class Baobab < Formula desc "Gnome disk usage analyzer" homepage "" url "" sha256 "46ebd9466da6a68c340653e9095f1e905b6fac79305879a9e644634f7da98607" bottle do sha256 "5d067135c6485d32ab4bf69cf70471e2f3e97b7ebe085ca530437bcdaad6e646" => :mojave sha256 "ecf65805b45f5e0b7bc1f88248544c1bec9fa97809af03d7f04756d2e4882f3f" => :high_sierra sha256 "c2cc7e5bc165be0e0bf96ec9e63deefc204a75ce345a3f8b723577647f35dfec" => :sierra end depends_on "itstool" => :build depends_on "meson" => :build depends_on "ninja" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "python" => :build depends_on "vala" => :build depends_on "adwaita-icon-theme" depends_on "gtk+3" depends_on "hicolor-icon-theme" def install # stop from doing what needs to be done in the post_install step ENV["DESTDIR"] = "/" mkdir "build" do system "meson", "--prefix=#{prefix}", ".." system "ninja" system "ninja", "install" end end def post_install system "#{Formula["glib"].opt_bin}/glib-compile-schemas", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/glib-2.0/schemas" system "#{Formula["gtk+3"].opt_bin}/gtk3-update-icon-cache", "-f", "-t", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor" end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/baobab --version") end end