class GitSecret < Formula desc "Bash-tool to store the private data inside a git repo" homepage "" head "" stable do url "" sha256 "cd517b19808db87c66f33450219988b5c32b29bb9adb75926834c9fd108b56d9" end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "57fc60acf4f4da5485bfd73afa2510b0dcd3df4114bd8016d651b54f19f1408f" => :mojave sha256 "57fc60acf4f4da5485bfd73afa2510b0dcd3df4114bd8016d651b54f19f1408f" => :high_sierra sha256 "40e349ae0b8988446ef0b76cc90c52d8757b0c6799935523baec7a757f724097" => :sierra end depends_on "gawk" depends_on "gnupg" def install system "make", "build" system "bash", "utils/", prefix end test do (testpath/"batch.gpg").write <<~EOS Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 2048 Subkey-Type: RSA Subkey-Length: 2048 Name-Real: Testing Name-Email: Expire-Date: 1d %no-protection %commit EOS begin system Formula["gnupg"].opt_bin/"gpg", "--batch", "--gen-key", "batch.gpg" system "git", "init" system "git", "config", "", "" system "git", "secret", "init" assert_match " added", shell_output("git secret tell -m") (testpath/"shh.txt").write "Top Secret" (testpath/".gitignore").append_lines "shh.txt" system "git", "secret", "add", "shh.txt" system "git", "secret", "hide" assert_predicate testpath/"shh.txt.secret", :exist? ensure system Formula["gnupg"].opt_bin/"gpgconf", "--kill", "gpg-agent" end end end