require "language/haskell" class PandocCiteproc < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Library and executable for using citeproc with pandoc" homepage "" url "" sha256 "af59a71fd3826ca2c1e9fed9fa66d9306616c1605a69611b5187dd7f5d3eed8e" head "" bottle do sha256 "021d2219b634ae4e613e11b5a459988c5b89916b494b8daf5189aa16612d12a4" => :mojave sha256 "414a220656a182ee9add047099021969f7a0c444dec715e827b8e5ec9710782e" => :high_sierra sha256 "c140d93c9252aecdff4fa65879badc085de47e1efbe728362a73ee9db471d48d" => :sierra end depends_on "cabal-install" => :build depends_on "ghc" => :build depends_on "pandoc" def install install_cabal_package end test do (testpath/"test.bib").write <<~EOS @Book{item1, author="John Doe", title="First Book", year="2005", address="Cambridge", publisher="Cambridge University Press" } EOS expected = <<~EOS --- references: - id: item1 type: book author: - family: Doe given: John issued: - year: 2005 title: First book publisher: Cambridge University Press publisher-place: Cambridge ... EOS assert_equal expected, shell_output("#{bin}/pandoc-citeproc -y test.bib") end end