class Mesos < Formula desc "Apache cluster manager" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "0f6d591eff78483e07bee93aed4553c69064f7870b216817a0085def3569b2c1" bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 "e1dbeb8e89b87dee7418383ed334c42c4c67256e5c417377de353f733a90a1b6" => :sierra sha256 "cbbe747db8970900494a9be4944d3a1b4c378a54819bb3fcead5fdc9e4efe25f" => :el_capitan sha256 "5ad291f41511fcf9a1644a032bff98b2d445178723b433f698084b62bdba592b" => :yosemite end depends_on :java => "1.7+" depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion depends_on "apr-util" => :build depends_on "maven" => :build depends_on "subversion" resource "protobuf" do url "" sha256 "8faca1fb462ee1be58d00f5efb4ca4f64bde92187fe61fde32615bbee7b3e745" end # build dependencies for protobuf resource "six" do url "" sha256 "105f8d68616f8248e24bf0e9372ef04d3cc10104f1980f54d57b2ce73a5ad56a" end resource "python-dateutil" do url "" sha256 "1408fdb07c6a1fa9997567ce3fcee6a337b39a503d80699e0f213de4aa4b32ed" end resource "pytz" do url "" sha256 "b5aff44126cf828537581e534cc94299b223b945a2bb3b5434d37bf8c7f3a10c" end resource "python-gflags" do url "" sha256 "db889af55e39fa6a37125d6aa70dfdd788dbc180f9566d3053250e28877e68dc" end resource "google-apputils" do url "" sha256 "47959d0651c32102c10ad919b8a0ffe0ae85f44b8457ddcf2bdc0358fb03dc29" end needs :cxx11 def install ENV.java_cache # Disable optimizing as libc++ does not play well with optimized clang # builds (see and # # # NOTE: We cannot use `--disable-optimize` since we also pass e.g., # CXXFLAGS via environment variables. Since compiler flags are passed via # environment variables the Mesos build will silently ignore flags like # `--[disable|enable]-optimize`. ENV.O0 unless DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 900 # work around to avoid `_clock_gettime` symbol not found error. if MacOS.version == "10.11" && MacOS::Xcode.installed? && MacOS::Xcode.version >= "8.0" ENV["ac_have_clock_syscall"] = "no" end # work around distutils abusing CC instead of using CXX # # native_patch = <<-EOS.undent import os os.environ["CC"] = os.environ["CXX"] os.environ["LDFLAGS"] = "@LIBS@" \\0 EOS inreplace "src/python/executor/", "import ext_modules", native_patch inreplace "src/python/scheduler/", "import ext_modules", native_patch # skip build javadoc because Homebrew sandbox ENV.java_cache # would trigger maven-javadoc-plugin bug. # maven_javadoc_patch = <<-EOS.undent true \\0 EOS inreplace "src/java/", "", maven_javadoc_patch args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --with-svn=#{Formula["subversion"].opt_prefix} ] unless MacOS::CLT.installed? args << "--with-apr=#{Formula["apr-util"].opt_libexec}" end ENV.cxx11 system "./configure", "--disable-python", *args system "make" system "make", "install" # The native Python modules `executor` and `scheduler` (see below) fail to # link to Subversion libraries if Homebrew isn't installed in `/usr/local`. ENV.append_to_cflags "-L#{Formula["subversion"].opt_lib}" system "./configure", "--enable-python", *args ["native", "interface", "executor", "scheduler", "cli", ""].each do |p| cd "src/python/#{p}" do system "python", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(prefix) end end # stage protobuf build dependencies ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", buildpath/"protobuf/lib/python2.7/site-packages" %w[six python-dateutil pytz python-gflags google-apputils].each do |r| resource(r).stage do system "python", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(buildpath/"protobuf") end end protobuf_path = libexec/"protobuf/lib/python2.7/site-packages" ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", protobuf_path resource("protobuf").stage do ln_s buildpath/"protobuf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/apputils", "google/apputils" system "python", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(libexec/"protobuf") end pth_contents = "import site; site.addsitedir('#{protobuf_path}')\n" (lib/"python2.7/site-packages/homebrew-mesos-protobuf.pth").write pth_contents end test do require "timeout" # Make sure we are not affected by MESOS-6910 and related issues. agent = fork do exec "/Users/bbannier/src/homebrew/sbin/mesos-agent", "--master=", "--work_dir=/tmp/mesos.slave.brew", "--image_providers=docker" end begin Timeout.timeout(2) do Process.wait agent end rescue Timeout::Error Process.kill "TERM", agent end assert $?.exitstatus, "agent process died, check MESOS-6606-related behavior" # Make tests for minimal functionality. master = fork do exec "#{sbin}/mesos-master", "--ip=", "--registry=in_memory" end agent = fork do exec "#{sbin}/mesos-agent", "--master=", "--work_dir=#{testpath}" end Timeout.timeout(15) do system "#{bin}/mesos", "execute", "--master=", "--name=execute-touch", "--command=touch\s#{testpath}/executed" end Process.kill("TERM", master) Process.kill("TERM", agent) assert File.exist?("#{testpath}/executed") system "python", "-c", "import mesos.native" end end