class H2o < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "1c66c59123a3e23172b610380af5e78d5e95a78a" head "" bottle do sha1 "3f62c3b78c9351e9c581c1242e1d999a0ba50555" => :yosemite sha1 "cc13b80fe91ae1ee827ca745e7f3692c76c941b7" => :mavericks sha1 "f58b952c6fc29d9db30f506e3bc3edef6422725c" => :mountain_lion end option "with-libuv", "Build the H2O library in addition to the executable." depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "libyaml" depends_on "openssl" depends_on "libuv" => :optional depends_on "wslay" => :optional def install system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args if build.with? "libuv" system "make", "libh2o" lib.install "libh2o.a" end system "make", "install" mkdir_p etc/"h2o" mkdir_p var/"h2o" (var+"h2o").install "examples/doc_root/index.html" # Write up a basic example conf for testing. (buildpath+"brew/h2o.conf").write conf_example (etc+"h2o").install buildpath/"brew/h2o.conf" end # This is simplified from examples/h2o/h2o.conf upstream. def conf_example; <<-EOS.undent listen: 8080 hosts: "": paths: /: file.dir: #{var}/h2o/ EOS end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent A basic example configuration file has been placed in #{etc}/h2o. You can find fuller, unmodified examples here: EOS end plist_options :manual => "h2o" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} RunAtLoad KeepAlive ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/h2o -c #{etc}/h2o/h2o.conf EOS end test do system bin/"h2o", "--version" end end