class Gsoap < Formula desc "SOAP stub and skeleton compiler for C and C++" homepage "" url "" sha256 "158ed9c674941c382850e8e96ac9b0174f4e7aacb25794349bd07f52261921c8" bottle do sha256 "0b2d2e9bbc46470fb53f832c6745037b5843f2d48d762795ea5f51451163a959" => :sierra sha256 "d12f03a42dc55ec64d99ce3680d8883f88ffc620d38265364d873b62ba0dc3e1" => :el_capitan end depends_on "openssl" def install # Contacted upstream by email and been told this should be fixed by 2.8.37, # it is due to the compilation of symbol2.c and soapcpp2_yacc.h not being # ordered correctly in parallel. ENV.deparallelize system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/wsdl2h", "-o", "calc.h", "" system "#{bin}/soapcpp2", "calc.h" assert File.exist?("calc.add.req.xml") end end