class Snescom < Formula desc "Compile 65816/65c816 machine code" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e80187d969fd448fe4d3c636bdbe9c24fe452e1436566b29fbf3410bde739504" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "88ef26252bca284c277bc7256cc3c956061033c1b4f6139748c51a486a92523d" => :sierra sha256 "bc1820ed86664536c22182adb696c091c6c49a9535171b201374e17f7162fdfd" => :el_capitan sha256 "0bf3fa4d114e481542f8c12ee04b8dda5c160958348771ab9cd4791f06ec55f3" => :yosemite end patch :p1 do # Includes cstdlib for Clang. # Reported upstream, should be fixed in the next release. url "" sha256 "3e214ae0a5751dfe72f81c0723b792601ddb4bca335dd2d5fd345572f051e29c" end depends_on "boost" => :build def install system "make" bin.install "disasm", "snescom", "sneslink" doc.install "README.html" end test do (testpath/"test.a65").write <<-EOS.undent GAME_MAIN: rts EOS system "#{bin}/snescom", "-Wall", "-fips", "-o", "test.ips", "test.a65" asm = `#{bin}/disasm test.ips` assert_match(/.extern GAME_MAIN/, asm) end end