class Mapserver < Formula desc "Publish spatial data and interactive mapping apps to the web" homepage "" url "" sha256 "1f432d4b44e7a0e4e9ce883b02c91c9a66314123028eebb0415144903b8de9c2" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "76b78fec6ddef503c68bc791259dba5e19afec1a0bca7bb0e9c70f06e7e01e33" => :el_capitan sha256 "fa018ad2b14492f50e0b6a4ed50212201c016bb0f35baf81031062fbe5a337e2" => :yosemite sha256 "a2c6ecfd38837a5a9287fdb0fb729ee4acbfb1d2df5a5e47dff8905cb982e237" => :mavericks end option "with-fastcgi", "Build with fastcgi support" option "with-geos", "Build support for GEOS spatial operations" option "with-php", "Build PHP MapScript module" option "with-postgresql", "Build support for PostgreSQL as a data source" env :userpaths depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "swig" => :build depends_on "freetype" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "giflib" depends_on "gd" depends_on "proj" depends_on "gdal" depends_on "geos" => :optional depends_on "postgresql" => :optional unless MacOS.version >= :lion depends_on "cairo" => :optional depends_on "fribidi" => :optional depends_on "fcgi" if build.with? "fastcgi" def install args = std_cmake_args args << "-DWITH_PROJ=ON" << "-DWITH_GDAL=ON" << "-DWITH_OGR=ON" << "-DWITH_WFS=ON" # Install within our sandbox. inreplace "mapscript/php/CMakeLists.txt", "${PHP5_EXTENSION_DIR}", lib/"php/extensions" args << "-DWITH_PHP=ON" if build.with? "php" # Install within our sandbox. inreplace "mapscript/python/CMakeLists.txt" do |s| s.gsub! "${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES}", lib/"python2.7/site-packages" s.gsub! "${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}", "-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup" end args << "-DWITH_PYTHON=ON" # Using rpath on python module seems to cause problems if you attempt to # import it with an interpreter it wasn't built against. # 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libmapserver.1.dylib args << "-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON" # All of the below are on by default so need # explicitly disabling if not requested. if build.with? "geos" args << "-DWITH_GEOS=ON" else args << "-DWITH_GEOS=OFF" end if build.with? "cairo" args << "-WITH_CAIRO=ON" else args << "-DWITH_CAIRO=OFF" end if build.with? "postgresql" args << "-DWITH_POSTGIS=ON" else args << "-DWITH_POSTGIS=OFF" end if build.with? "fastcgi" args << "-DWITH_FCGI=ON" else args << "-DWITH_FCGI=OFF" end if build.with? "fribidi" args << "-DWITH_FRIBIDI=ON" else args << "-DWITH_FRIBIDI=OFF" end mkdir "build" do system "cmake", "..", *args system "make", "install" end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The Mapserver CGI executable is #{opt_bin}/mapserv If you built the PHP option: * Add the following line to php.ini: extension="#{opt_lib}/php/extensions/" * Execute "php -m" * You should see MapScript in the module list EOS end test do system "#{bin}/legend" end end