require 'formula' class Haxe < Formula homepage '' # v3-00 was tagged before project moved to git, so doesn't include submodules url '', :revision => '40451b41b09b9155682dad2f2f9db020c1f23678' version '3.0.0-40451b4' head '' depends_on 'neko' depends_on 'objective-caml' def install # Build requires targets to be built in specific order ENV.deparallelize system 'make' bin.install 'haxe' bin.install 'std/tools/haxelib/' => 'haxelib' (lib/'haxe').install 'std' end test do ENV["HAXE_STD_PATH"] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/haxe/std" system "#{bin}/haxe", "-v", "Std" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Add the following line to your .bashrc or equivalent: export HAXE_STD_PATH="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/haxe/std" EOS end end