class Nuxeo < Formula desc "Enterprise Content Management" homepage "" url "" sha256 "b0d70c28c1a01cf43a9598245f6ff2aaf71b42dad7ff9ce29fe51d3b17736642" revision 1 bottle :unneeded depends_on "poppler" => :recommended depends_on "pdftohtml" => :optional depends_on "imagemagick" depends_on "ghostscript" depends_on "ufraw" depends_on "libwpd" depends_on "exiftool" depends_on "ffmpeg" => :optional def install libexec.install Dir["#{buildpath}/*"] (bin/"nuxeoctl").write_env_script "#{libexec}/bin/nuxeoctl", :NUXEO_HOME => libexec.to_s, :NUXEO_CONF => "#{etc}/nuxeo.conf" inreplace "#{libexec}/bin/nuxeo.conf" do |s| s.gsub! /#nuxeo\.log\.dir.*/, "nuxeo.log.dir=#{var}/log/nuxeo" s.gsub! /#nuxeo\.data\.dir.*/, "{var}/lib/nuxeo/data" s.gsub! /#nuxeo\.pid\.dir.*/, "{var}/run/nuxeo" end etc.install "#{libexec}/bin/nuxeo.conf" end def post_install (var/"log/nuxeo").mkpath (var/"lib/nuxeo/data").mkpath (var/"run/nuxeo").mkpath (var/"cache/nuxeo/packages").mkpath libexec.install_symlink var/"cache/nuxeo/packages" end def caveats; <<~EOS You need to edit #{etc}/nuxeo.conf file to configure manually the server. Also, in case of upgrade, run 'nuxeoctl mp-upgrade' to ensure all downloaded addons are up to date. EOS end test do # Copy configuration file to test path, due to some automatic writes on it. cp "#{etc}/nuxeo.conf", "#{testpath}/nuxeo.conf" inreplace "#{testpath}/nuxeo.conf" do |s| s.gsub! /#{var}/, testpath s.gsub! /#nuxeo\.tmp\.dir.*/, "nuxeo.tmp.dir=#{testpath}/tmp" end ENV["NUXEO_CONF"] = "#{testpath}/nuxeo.conf" assert_match %r{#{testpath}/nuxeo\.conf}, shell_output("#{libexec}/bin/nuxeoctl config -q --get nuxeo.conf") assert_match /#{libexec}/, shell_output("#{libexec}/bin/nuxeoctl config -q --get nuxeo.home") end end