class Openssh < Formula desc "OpenBSD freely-licensed SSH connectivity tools" homepage "" url "" mirror "" version "7.9p1" sha256 "6b4b3ba2253d84ed3771c8050728d597c91cfce898713beb7b64a305b6f11aad" bottle do sha256 "a7a42f0528213d1d5491031420b57c5039950db9c849e50d61f8bb818188743f" => :mojave sha256 "a1834148334d13d7a3f65bd7a9621727b81e3e524a4a94a80c404677f1b3d08f" => :high_sierra sha256 "b9cf8444d8920df4e54f35931502c58333d01f888738819b2233d9b1afe1bd00" => :sierra end # Please don't resubmit the keychain patch option. It will never be accepted. # depends_on "openssl" depends_on "ldns" => :optional depends_on "pkg-config" => :build if build.with? "ldns" resource "" do url "" sha256 "a273f86360ea5da3910cfa4c118be931d10904267605cdd4b2055ced3a829774" end # Both these patches are applied by Apple. patch do url "" sha256 "d886b98f99fd27e3157b02b5b57f3fb49f43fd33806195970d4567f12be66e71" end patch do url "" sha256 "3505c58bf1e584c8af92d916fe5f3f1899a6b15cc64a00ddece1dc0874b2f78f" end def install ENV.append "CPPFLAGS", "-D__APPLE_SANDBOX_NAMED_EXTERNAL__" # Ensure sandbox profile prefix is correct. # We introduce this issue with patching, it's not an upstream bug. inreplace "sandbox-darwin.c", "@PREFIX@/share/openssh", etc/"ssh" args = %W[ --with-libedit --with-kerberos5 --prefix=#{prefix} --sysconfdir=#{etc}/ssh --with-pam --with-ssl-dir=#{Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix} ] args << "--with-ldns" if build.with? "ldns" system "./configure", *args system "make" ENV.deparallelize system "make", "install" # This was removed by upstream with very little announcement and has # potential to break scripts, so recreate it for now. # Debian have done the same thing. bin.install_symlink bin/"ssh" => "slogin" buildpath.install resource("") (etc/"ssh").install "" => "" end test do assert_match "OpenSSH_", shell_output("#{bin}/ssh -V 2>&1") begin pid = fork { exec sbin/"sshd", "-D", "-p", "8022" } sleep 2 assert_match "sshd", shell_output("lsof -i :8022") ensure Process.kill(9, pid) Process.wait(pid) end end end