require 'formula' class SaltSALT2 < Formula url '' md5 'ed8c0ab8cf75dbb98643ddc7a76ba1a9' end class Salt04D3gx < Formula url "" md5 "17a03aa77636d8a5fb2eb9bc6fc48e75" version '2.2.2b' end class Salt4SHOOTER2 < Formula url "" md5 "478ae9ca99f220a41eb923c230037ee4" version '2.2.2b' end class SaltSWOPE < Formula url "" md5 "d7e0ca6a982373dc775d19016bbdab40" version '2.2.2b' end class SaltACSWF < Formula url "" md5 "518521528b5af934b6d4281184b09ecd" version '2.2.2b' end class SaltNICMOS2 < Formula url "" md5 "354e58e26d491ddcaec2dcf28c8b22e8" version '2.2.2b' end class SaltKEPLERCAM < Formula url "" md5 "5c3f1c80e68a3faaa620d619c098cb49" version '2.2.2b' end class SaltSTANDARD < Formula url "" md5 "7d6e34688bc5cee02c89675f4213b4ca" version '2.2.2b' end class SaltMEGACAM < Formula url "" md5 "c2786e737f3a2d530e5ac3b941718b68" version '2.2.2b' end class SaltSDSS < Formula url "" md5 "118f6e2be45eebca0af89fe2f318548a" version '2.2.2b' end class SaltSDSS_AB_off < Formula url "" md5 "cf8c210fd19c3eef0b7f29b5d35c3270" version '2.2.2b' def linkto () return 'MagSys/SDSS-AB-off.dat' end end class SaltVEGAHST < Formula url "" md5 "cf302ca85627ddeb2fbf590e0013dd3c" version '2.2.2b' def linkto () return 'MagSys/Vega0.dat' end end class SaltVEGA < Formula url "" md5 "69c161ff17748c683df685e0a2ea2910" version '2.2.2b' def linkto () return 'MagSys/BD17-snls3.dat' end end class Salt < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'bf227accaf89a751c28d0bf1ed2b0851' def options [ ['--with-data', 'Install model data'] ] end def install_subbrew(subbrew, installdir) s = s.brew do d = File.basename Dir.pwd (installdir + d).install Dir['*'] # the fitmodel file will link by default to the first dir # on the path right after #{prefix}/data/ if s.respond_to? 'linkto' linkto = s.linkto else base = File.basename installdir linkto = base == 'data' ? d : File.join(base, d) end return "@#{'Salt', '').gsub('_','-')} #{linkto}\n" end end def install ENV.deparallelize ENV.fortran # the libgfortran.a path needs to be set explicitly # for the --enable-gfortran option to work libgfortran = `$FC --print-file-name libgfortran.a`.chomp ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', "-L#{File.dirname libgfortran}" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-gfortran" system "make install" # install all the model data # if ARGV.include? '--with-data' data = prefix + 'data' data.mkpath'fitmodel.card', 'w') do |fitmodel| # salt2 model + magsys [SaltSALT2, SaltVEGA, SaltSDSS_AB_off, SaltVEGAHST].each do |cls| fitmodel.write(install_subbrew(cls, data)) end # instruments inst = data + 'Instruments' [SaltSTANDARD, SaltMEGACAM, SaltKEPLERCAM, Salt4SHOOTER2, SaltSDSS, SaltSWOPE, SaltACSWF, SaltNICMOS2].each do |cls| fitmodel.write(install_subbrew(cls, inst)) end end # for testing { (prefix + '04D3gx').install Dir['*'] } end end def test mktemp do ENV['PATHMODEL'] = "#{prefix}/data" cp_r Dir[prefix + '04D3gx' + '*'], '.' # I don't know why I need to redo the cd on the shell, but it doesn't work otherwise system "cd #{Dir.pwd}; #{bin}/snfit lc2fit_g.dat lc2fit_r.dat lc2fit_i.dat lc2fit_z.dat" system "cat result_salt2.dat result_salt2_SNLS3.dat" end end def caveats if ARGV.include? '--with-data' <<-EOS.undent You should add the following to your .bashrc or equivalent: export PATHMODEL=#{prefix}/data EOS end end end