class NodeAT10 < Formula desc "Platform built on V8 to build network applications" homepage "" url "" sha256 "dbe467e3dabb6854fcb0cd96e04082268cb1e313ce97a4b7100b2ed152b0a0ab" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "e48301f20c478a2c0df87413a403028f0b00e74444896db96851dda585963d80" => :mojave sha256 "d490487b0bc28d473b86b05137da5aaae5ae66cf804ca2c4f622c5a0e5cf1625" => :high_sierra sha256 "2ac73cb77308889a6571c47c8b808ddab928ba410eca67fa03e6b190c028dfcf" => :sierra end keg_only :versioned_formula depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "python@2" => :build depends_on "icu4c" # Per upstream - "Need g++ 4.8 or clang++ 3.4". fails_with :clang if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard fails_with :gcc_4_0 fails_with :gcc_4_2 ("4.3".."4.7").each do |n| fails_with :gcc => n end def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-intl=system-icu" system "make", "install" end def post_install (lib/"node_modules/npm/npmrc").atomic_write("prefix = #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}\n") end test do path = testpath/"test.js" path.write "console.log('hello');" output = shell_output("#{bin}/node #{path}").strip assert_equal "hello", output output = shell_output("#{bin}/node -e 'console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat(\"en-EN\").format(1234.56))'").strip assert_equal "1,234.56", output output = shell_output("#{bin}/node -e 'console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat(\"de-DE\").format(1234.56))'").strip assert_equal "1.234,56", output # make sure npm can find node ENV.prepend_path "PATH", opt_bin ENV.delete "NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR" assert_equal which("node"), opt_bin/"node" assert_predicate bin/"npm", :exist?, "npm must exist" assert_predicate bin/"npm", :executable?, "npm must be executable" npm_args = ["-ddd", "--cache=#{HOMEBREW_CACHE}/npm_cache", "--build-from-source"] system "#{bin}/npm", *npm_args, "install", "npm@latest" system "#{bin}/npm", *npm_args, "install", "bignum" assert_predicate bin/"npx", :exist?, "npx must exist" assert_predicate bin/"npx", :executable?, "npx must be executable" assert_match "< hello >", shell_output("#{bin}/npx cowsay hello") end end