require 'formula' class Luajit < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '54a5c85307e815fff16b33b28f103c40e65a39df' head '' skip_clean 'lib/lua/5.1', 'share/lua/5.1' option "enable-debug", "Build with debugging symbols" def install # 1 - Remove the '-O2' so we can set Og if needed. Leave the -fomit part. # 2 - Override the hardcoded gcc. # 3 - Remove the '-march=i686' so we can set the march in cflags. # All three changes should persist and were discussed upstream. inreplace 'src/Makefile' do |f| f.change_make_var! 'CCOPT', '-fomit-frame-pointer' f.change_make_var! 'CC', f.change_make_var! 'CCOPT_x86', '' end ENV.O2 # Respect the developer's choice. args = ["PREFIX=#{prefix}"] if build.include? 'enable-debug' then ENV.Og if ENV.compiler == :clang args << 'CCDEBUG=-g' end bldargs = args bldargs << 'amalg' system 'make', *bldargs args << 'install' system 'make', *args # Build requires args during install end end