require "formula" class Ejabberd < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "3aedb5012fab49181961ff24bad3af581f4b30ee" revision 1 bottle do sha1 "0951237f1710e8c3de1c8c68501f53532036d726" => :mavericks sha1 "7f1ffe76d100b3a2d00d1578e38db8f5f944859a" => :mountain_lion sha1 "582da64c98ce8be147cfd17f2d464e5806d849e3" => :lion end depends_on "openssl" depends_on "erlang" depends_on "libyaml" option "32-bit" option "with-odbc", "Build with ODBC support" option "with-pgsql", "Build with PostgreSQL support" option "with-mysql", "Build with MySQL support" def install ENV["TARGET_DIR"] = ENV["DESTDIR"] = "#{lib}/ejabberd/erlang/lib/ejabberd-#{version}" ENV["MAN_DIR"] = man ENV["SBIN_DIR"] = sbin if build.build_32_bit? %w{ CFLAGS LDFLAGS }.each do |compiler_flag| ENV.remove compiler_flag, "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_64_bit}" ENV.append compiler_flag, "-arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch_32_bit}" end end args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}", "--localstatedir=#{var}"] args << "--enable-odbc" if build.with? "odbc" args << "--enable-pgsql" if build.with? "pgsql" args << "--enable-mysql" if build.with? "mysql" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" (etc+"ejabberd").mkpath (var+"lib/ejabberd").mkpath (var+"spool/ejabberd").mkpath end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent If you face nodedown problems, concat your machine name to: /private/etc/hosts after 'localhost'. EOS end end