class Gmt < Formula desc "Tools for manipulating and plotting geographic and Cartesian data" homepage "" url "" mirror "" mirror "" sha256 "8b91af18775a90968cdf369b659c289ded5b6cb2719c8c58294499ba2799b650" bottle do sha256 "8de07ab7df9b5bdcc3761e614fc1a9ff6b56a171d1c1f6d47591ed9646901bcd" => :catalina sha256 "ec1f5a04352d0e85bb1ee65c4f790585e162d78a5443a5cefffe2eec3ff7c452" => :mojave sha256 "590480794689fa5ce5a748693b1aa678fec1a7579df86ce85bd35d372f1543c6" => :high_sierra end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "fftw" depends_on "gdal" depends_on "netcdf" depends_on "pcre" resource "gshhg" do url "" mirror "" mirror "" sha256 "9bb1a956fca0718c083bef842e625797535a00ce81f175df08b042c2a92cfe7f" end resource "dcw" do url "" mirror "" mirror "" sha256 "8d47402abcd7f54a0f711365cd022e4eaea7da324edac83611ca035ea443aad3" end def install (buildpath/"gshhg").install resource("gshhg") (buildpath/"dcw").install resource("dcw") args = std_cmake_args.concat %W[ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=#{prefix} -DGMT_DOCDIR=#{share}/doc/gmt -DGMT_MANDIR=#{man} -DGSHHG_ROOT=#{buildpath}/gshhg -DCOPY_GSHHG:BOOL=TRUE -DDCW_ROOT=#{buildpath}/dcw -DCOPY_DCW:BOOL=TRUE -DFFTW3_ROOT=#{Formula["fftw"].opt_prefix} -DGDAL_ROOT=#{Formula["gdal"].opt_prefix} -DNETCDF_ROOT=#{Formula["netcdf"].opt_prefix} -DPCRE_ROOT=#{Formula["pcre"].opt_prefix} -DFLOCK:BOOL=TRUE -DGMT_INSTALL_MODULE_LINKS:BOOL=FALSE -DGMT_INSTALL_TRADITIONAL_FOLDERNAMES:BOOL=FALSE -DLICENSE_RESTRICTED:BOOL=FALSE ] mkdir "build" do system "cmake", "..", *args system "make", "install" end end def caveats; <<~EOS GMT needs Ghostscript for the 'psconvert' command to convert PostScript files to other formats. To use 'psconvert', please 'brew install ghostscript'. GMT needs FFmpeg for the 'movie' command to make movies in MP4 or WebM format. If you need this feature, please 'brew install ffmpeg'. GMT needs GraphicsMagick for the 'movie' command to make animated GIFs. If you need this feature, please 'brew install graphicsmagick'. EOS end test do system "#{bin}/gmt pscoast -R0/360/-70/70 -Jm1.2e-2i -Ba60f30/a30f15 -Dc -G240 -W1/0 -P >" assert_predicate testpath/"", :exist? end end