class NumUtils < Formula desc "Programs for dealing with numbers from the command-line" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "03592760fc7844492163b14ddc9bb4e4d6526e17b468b5317b4a702ea7f6c64e" bottle do cellar :any sha1 "47f40b81881dc56d9966b7567accb17d597a4d5e" => :yosemite sha1 "97e1e6391d8c31ab79085466c86227ebb60ca779" => :mavericks sha1 "4a610ddbfa56751bc9aeb8954a60f56648d5b2d8" => :mountain_lion end conflicts_with "normalize", :because => "both install `normalize` binaries" def install %w[average bound interval normalize numgrep numprocess numsum random range round].each do |p| system "pod2man", p, "#{p}.1" bin.install p man1.install "#{p}.1" end end test do assert_equal "2", pipe_output("#{bin}/average", "1\n2\n3\n").strip end end