class Gpgme < Formula desc "Library access to GnuPG" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "b09de4197ac280b102080e09eaec6211d081efff1963bf7821cf8f4f9916099d" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "dd747d6498ee88f0ac6822ec1e2a0ac93d1b38343658c2c9d448110793134b39" => :sierra sha256 "d909ec33dd574c20f2d5b24bb90588ee811a9c3c9cdc6bb11827b17af73458d2" => :el_capitan sha256 "f9976c4883fca4da0343dded00f144c4a2bfe5d814981e2bd42e000c31bbd181" => :yosemite sha256 "c304e956d73cca79685225902ec6989de8d9feb54d63b60e8999e290ea23c55a" => :mavericks end depends_on "gnupg2" depends_on "libgpg-error" depends_on "libassuan" depends_on "pth" conflicts_with "argp-standalone", :because => "gpgme picks it up during compile & fails to build" fails_with :llvm do build 2334 end def install # Check these inreplaces with each release. # At some point GnuPG will pull the trigger on moving to GPG2 by default. inreplace "tests/gpg/", "GPG = gpg", "GPG = gpg2" inreplace "src/", "@GPG@", "#{Formula["gnupg2"].opt_prefix}/bin/gpg2" inreplace "src/", "@GPGSM@", "#{Formula["gnupg2"].opt_prefix}/bin/gpgsm" system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-static" system "make" system "make", "install" # avoid triggering mandatory rebuilds of software that hard-codes this path inreplace bin/"gpgme-config", prefix, opt_prefix end test do assert_equal "#{Formula["gnupg2"].opt_prefix}/bin/gpg2", shell_output("#{bin}/gpgme-config --get-gpg").strip end end