require 'formula' class Global < Formula homepage '' url '' mirror '' sha1 '9c802a8fdc2d50e2a0780eb7033d5bad258c3f42' option "without-rebuilding-php-parser", "Don't rebuild PHP parser; use provied parser" option 'with-exuberant-ctags', 'Enable Exuberant Ctags as a plug-in parser' if build.include? 'with-exuberant-ctags' depends_on 'ctags' skip_clean 'lib/gtags/' end def install # Rebuilding the PHP parser, see: # unless build.include? "without-rebuilding-php-parser" system "flex -o libparser/php.c libparser/php.l" end args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} ] if build.include? 'with-exuberant-ctags' args << "--with-exuberant-ctags=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/ctags" end system "./configure", *args system "make install" # we copy these in already cd share/'gtags' do rm %w[README COPYING LICENSE INSTALL ChangeLog AUTHORS] end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent GNU GLOBAL is distributed with a PHP parser generated with an old version of flex(1). That parser has some limitation. See: Installing GNU GLOBAL with Homebrew will therefor rebuild the PHP parser using Mac OS X' newer version of flex(1) which generates a parser without the limit. You can install GNU GLOBAL without rebuilding the PHP parser (and instead use the parser distributed by GNU GLOBAL) by using the option '--without-rebuilding-php-parser': brew install global --without-rebuilding-php-parser Use i.e. if you want to be sure whether a problem is caused by the rebuild parser or some other thing in GNU GLOBAL. EOS end end