require "language/haskell" class Komposition < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Video editor built for screencasters" homepage "" url "" sha256 "cedb41c68866f8d6a87579f566909fcd32697b03f66c0e2a700a94b6a9263b88" head "" bottle do sha256 "f28f804f8ca5d9c9c23f8fd9d35edb3276e2d397abbbf73fda33b543d5654611" => :catalina sha256 "2f7008e5a901c7c4739104124c0a3faea211f3d7509c0c19f6a28f8de162be08" => :mojave sha256 "75c13e6a1a9f53273974f6445d4d59adc76c16399480f305547e7bddd5237fbd" => :high_sierra end depends_on "cabal-install" => :build depends_on "ghc" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "ffmpeg" depends_on "gobject-introspection" depends_on "gst-libav" depends_on "gst-plugins-base" depends_on "gst-plugins-good" depends_on "gstreamer" depends_on "gstreamer" depends_on "gtk+3" depends_on "sox" uses_from_macos "libffi" def install # The --allow-newer=base may be removed when the ffmpeg-light # bound on base is relaxed, or when Homebrew moves to Cabal 3 # builds. install_cabal_package "--allow-newer=base", :using => ["alex", "happy"] end test do output = shell_output "#{bin}/komposition doesnotexist 2>&1" assert_match "[ERROR] Opening existing project failed: ProjectDirectoryDoesNotExist \"doesnotexist\"", output end end