class Dwm < Formula desc "Dynamic window manager" homepage "" url "" sha256 "97902e2e007aaeaa3c6e3bed1f81785b817b7413947f1db1d3b62b8da4cd110e" revision 1 head "", :using => :git bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "a749a913684983c05a9998ca73d55bd8f05197fcf6d7573336eacf7e168a5120" => :mojave sha256 "0c5e0fd48f4d52ab748d5301add02b7ca39d773c604e108d2eb81705cf80c315" => :high_sierra sha256 "20707f7d694eef615c63c98c055db728a6922e68ccf287ca63933715781311e6" => :sierra end depends_on "dmenu" depends_on :x11 def install # The dwm default quit keybinding Mod1-Shift-q collides with # the Mac OS X Log Out shortcut in the Apple menu. inreplace "config.def.h", "{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },", "{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_q, quit, {0} }," inreplace "dwm.1", '.B Mod1\-Shift\-q', '.B Mod1\-Control\-q' system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install" end def caveats; <<~EOS In order to use the Mac OS X command key for dwm commands, change the X11 keyboard modifier map using xmodmap (1). e.g. by running the following command from $HOME/.xinitrc xmodmap -e 'remove Mod2 = Meta_L' -e 'add Mod1 = Meta_L'& See also for a handful of tips and tricks for running dwm on Mac OS X. EOS end test do assert_match /#{version}/, shell_output("#{bin}/dwm -v 2>&1", 1) end end