class Minetest < Formula desc "Free, open source voxel game engine and game" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "aa771cf178ad1b436d5723e5d6dd24e42b5d56f1cfe9c930f6426b7f24bb1635" resource "minetest_game" do url "" sha256 "965d2cf3ac8c822bc9e60fb8f508182fb2f24dde46f46b000caf225ebe2ec519" end end bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 "4ec9b8e6e60c4b595dbac6c46de877b5388f99bc84f37237343f8230025f4d03" => :catalina sha256 "5bc5752b405790705eda2cd02896dbb9fe7c6a45201da68f6dfa1e22381708da" => :mojave sha256 "43d8c313c55a7fd721f174ec48aa07b28bd2c68be71dccf07b701a681169a510" => :high_sierra end head do url "" resource "minetest_game" do url "", :branch => "master" end end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "freetype" depends_on "gettext" depends_on "irrlicht" depends_on "jpeg" depends_on "libogg" depends_on "libvorbis" depends_on "luajit" def install (buildpath/"games/minetest_game").install resource("minetest_game") args = std_cmake_args - %w[-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None] args << "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" << "-DBUILD_CLIENT=1" << "-DBUILD_SERVER=0" args << "-DENABLE_FREETYPE=1" << "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-L#{Formula["freetype"].opt_lib}'" args << "-DENABLE_GETTEXT=1" << "-DCUSTOM_GETTEXT_PATH=#{Formula["gettext"].opt_prefix}" system "cmake", ".", *args system "make", "package" system "unzip", "minetest-*" prefix.install "" end def caveats <<~EOS Put additional subgames and mods into "games" and "mods" folders under "~/Library/Application Support/minetest/", respectively (you may have to create those folders first). If you would like to start the Minetest server from a terminal, run "/Applications/ --server". EOS end end