class Skafos < Formula desc "CLI for the Metis Machine A.I. and machine learning deployment platform" homepage "" url "" sha256 "d597d8eef3389f8e0e20c6157f936d7775878ee4026ab26e7c4130034477dad1" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "c1bc38bbaf0af18b032b1022096c7dd623637d2a28108e6bfbebdc6ff93addda" => :high_sierra sha256 "a22831adc56d4b57142c9cb8f61efe73ce3741a6344462f9ec6e5a53779e8daa" => :sierra sha256 "5012a1be9748ee0ad837dc1676bcc48f74dd626919aae1ae333f061b0a405c56" => :el_capitan end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "libarchive" depends_on "yaml-cpp" def install system "make", "_create_version_h" system "make", "_env_for_prod" system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.exp").write <<~EOS spawn #{bin}/skafos setup set timeout 5 expect { timeout { exit 1 } "Please enter email:" } send "\r" expect { timeout { exit 2 } "Please enter password:" } send "1234\r" expect { timeout { exit 3 } eof } EOS assert_match "Invalid email or password", shell_output("expect -f test.exp") end end