require "language/go" class Leaps < Formula desc "Collaborative web-based text editing service written in Golang" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v0.5.1", :revision => "70524e3d02d0cf31f3d13737193a1459150781c8" sha256 "5f3fe0bb1a0ca75616ba2cb6cba7b11c535ac6c732e83c71f708dc074e489b1f" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "916c0f83535614d47c9e5cae89104395155494057403c3fee38898c56c6becbb" => :sierra sha256 "c5ab4128388ecc8f28cd181191dbf40a2510fc771185ae7d4cc80a724edd83ea" => :el_capitan sha256 "7fd9a75a9e4c8e45639aba92b03a3394f65e41d4806689ca192591e37585e5f8" => :yosemite end depends_on "go" => :build go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "db8e4de5b2d6653f66aea53094624468caad15d2" end def install ENV["GOBIN"] = bin ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV["GOHOME"] = buildpath mkdir_p buildpath/"src/" ln_sf buildpath, buildpath/"src/" Language::Go.stage_deps resources, buildpath/"src" system "go", "build", "-o", "#{bin}/leaps", "" end test do begin port = ":8080" # Start the server in a fork leaps_pid = fork do exec "#{bin}/leaps", "-address", port end # Give the server some time to start serving sleep(1) # Check that the server is responding correctly assert_match /Choose a document from the left to get started/, shell_output("curl -o- http://localhost#{port}") ensure # Stop the server gracefully Process.kill("HUP", leaps_pid) end end end