class Nvc < Formula desc "VHDL compiler and simulator" homepage "" revision 1 head "" stable do url "" sha256 "b3b5f67ee91046ab802112e544b7883f7a92b69d25041b5b8187c07016dfda75" # Remove for > 1.1.0 # LLVM 3.9 compatibility # Fix "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: '_LLVMLinkModules'" # Upstream commit from 8 Jan 2017 "Use LLVMLinkModules2 where available." # Reported 8 Jan 2017 patch do url "" sha256 "5223274735e72bfa5f55ca7d7a97f1c1d254b8104fe4adb40e47ae67311f2c28" end # Remove for > 1.1.0 # LLVM 4.0 compatibility # Fix "use of undeclared identifier 'LLVMNoUnwindAttribute'" # Upstream commit from 7 Mar 2017 "Update for new LLVM attribute API." # Reported 16 Feb 2017 patch do url "" sha256 "9c2ae65129b6f3e5e6efb1eff77bd2bde790f3d8168b7fe482b4bf9f1115fd63" end end bottle do sha256 "8e6b72d2a0a7502387bbe37b4b2bf93025cb88cbe705204d10eb8c6ce73718b5" => :sierra sha256 "45fd2562cc085317a9c7b838d48421603efaac1ee46c45dfb6fc0b7eb5c0c51f" => :el_capitan sha256 "77392d16a838e2d28b8b50221a356b8f4899a60626d4163180eee1603f225084" => :yosemite end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "llvm" => :build depends_on "check" => :build resource "vim-hdl-examples" do url "", :revision => "c112c17f098f13719784df90c277683051b61d05" end def install args = %W[ --with-llvm=#{Formula["llvm"].opt_bin}/llvm-config --prefix=#{prefix} ] if build.head? system "./" else system "autoreconf", "-fiv" end system "./tools/" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end test do resource("vim-hdl-examples").stage testpath system "#{bin}/nvc", "-a", "#{testpath}/basic_library/very_common_pkg.vhd" end end