class Mongoose < Formula desc "Web server build on top of Libmongoose embedded library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ed9b44690f9660d25562e45472d486c086bcc916bf49f39f22e0a90444d44454" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "3353e8ff76078ad2193c96d271df4ce1da7448bcf08c6ee1ebecc7e69a19cfe6" => :mojave sha256 "1864f6f2028dcc842334c51a1585fbfb49557ef76b1f52ba7bc8e3a9183cf481" => :high_sierra sha256 "2df8b1fd42b06fab2579ba49bb82722a4cbbaf982b26bdbda428eca12ea26d1d" => :sierra end depends_on "openssl" conflicts_with "suite-sparse", :because => "suite-sparse vendors libmongoose.dylib" def install # No Makefile but is an expectation upstream of binary creation # cd "examples/simplest_web_server" do system "make" bin.install "simplest_web_server" => "mongoose" end system, "-dynamiclib", "mongoose.c", "-o", "libmongoose.dylib" include.install "mongoose.h" lib.install "libmongoose.dylib" pkgshare.install "examples", "jni" doc.install Dir["docs/*"] end test do (testpath/"hello.html").write <<~EOS
EOS begin pid = fork { exec "#{bin}/mongoose" } sleep 2 assert_match "Hi!", shell_output("curl http://localhost:8000/hello.html") ensure Process.kill("SIGINT", pid) Process.wait(pid) end end end