class TomeePlume < Formula desc "Apache TomEE Plume" homepage "" url "" version "1.7.4" sha256 "0f37dbe25c3a68a365f440cfaac01e63158e6ccce943f367203418038b5be402" bottle :unneeded def install # Remove Windows scripts rm_rf Dir["bin/*.bat"] rm_rf Dir["bin/*.bat.original"] rm_rf Dir["bin/*.exe"] # Install files prefix.install %w[NOTICE LICENSE RELEASE-NOTES RUNNING.txt] libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink "#{libexec}/bin/" => "tomee-plume-startup" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The home of Apache TomEE Plume is: #{opt_libexec} To run Apache TomEE: #{opt_libexec}/bin/tomee-plume-startup EOS end test do system "#{opt_libexec}/bin/" end end