class Global < Formula desc "Source code tag system" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "336f91f1d4a84469bc37a0dc7e9dc7cde9154cf677bb1bb5cd220c9b41b80302" bottle do sha256 "4029424bb6f53c3a3dd093757b898f0ed1b980b96812a659641fb23a62b8c2fb" => :el_capitan sha256 "c8f45da6fbd4ca99a573a5370978c99eb1ab82438b7064f70f5ca25638fef8d2" => :yosemite sha256 "5aa89dd031923a4c3855c6d8a952c9cfc4fd48143ad11ecce6f1a54897b141ab" => :mavericks end head do url "", :using => :cvs depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end option "with-ctags", "Enable Exuberant Ctags as a plug-in parser" option "with-pygments", "Enable Pygments as a plug-in parser (should enable exuberent-ctags too)" option "with-sqlite3", "Use SQLite3 API instead of BSD/DB API for making tag files" deprecated_option "with-exuberant-ctags" => "with-ctags" depends_on "ctags" => :optional skip_clean "lib/gtags" resource "pygments" do url "" sha256 "13a0ef5fafd7b16cf995bc28fe7aab0780dab1b2fda0fc89e033709af8b8a47b" end def install system "sh", "" if build.head? args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --sysconfdir=#{etc} ] args << "--with-sqlite3" if build.with? "sqlite3" if build.with? "ctags" args << "--with-exuberant-ctags=#{Formula["ctags"].opt_bin}/ctags" end if build.with? "pygments" ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", libexec+"lib/python2.7/site-packages" pygments_args = %W[build install --prefix=#{libexec}] resource("pygments").stage { system "python", "", *pygments_args } end system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" if build.with? "pygments" bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", :PYTHONPATH => ENV["PYTHONPATH"]) end etc.install "gtags.conf" # we copy these in already cd share/"gtags" do rm %w[README COPYING LICENSE INSTALL ChangeLog AUTHORS] end end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<-EOF.undent int c2func (void) { return 0; } void cfunc (void) {int cvar = c2func(); }") EOF if build.with?("pygments") || build.with?("ctags") (testpath/"").write <<-EOF def py2func (): return 0 def pyfunc (): pyvar = py2func() EOF end if build.with? "pygments" assert shell_output("#{bin}/gtags --gtagsconf=#{share}/gtags/gtags.conf --gtagslabel=pygments .") if build.with? "ctags" assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d cfunc") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d c2func") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -r c2func") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s cvar") assert_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d pyfunc") assert_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -r py2func") assert_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s pyvar") else # Everything is a symbol in this case assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s cfunc") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s c2func") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s cvar") assert_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s pyfunc") assert_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s py2func") assert_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s pyvar") end end if build.with? "ctags" assert shell_output("#{bin}/gtags --gtagsconf=#{share}/gtags/gtags.conf --gtagslabel=exuberant-ctags .") # ctags only yields definitions assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d cfunc # passes") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d c2func # passes") assert_no_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -r c2func # correctly fails") assert_no_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s cvar # correctly fails") assert_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d pyfunc # passes") assert_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d py2func # passes") assert_no_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -r py2func # correctly fails") assert_no_match /test\.py/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s pyvar # correctly fails") end if build.with? "sqlite3" assert shell_output("#{bin}/gtags --sqlite3 --gtagsconf=#{share}/gtags/gtags.conf --gtagslabel=default .") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d cfunc") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d c2func") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -r c2func") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s cvar") end # C should work with default parser for any build assert shell_output("#{bin}/gtags --gtagsconf=#{share}/gtags/gtags.conf --gtagslabel=default .") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d cfunc") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -d c2func") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -r c2func") assert_match /test\.c/, shell_output("#{bin}/global -s cvar") end end