class Libcapn < Formula desc "C library to send push notifications to Apple devices" homepage "" head "" stable do url "" sha256 "fbe93f8fad4247b898d518ea0f38484eb062cd830a41bb26a6ac4b95cbf076e4" resource "jansson" do url "" sha256 "f328f25fc74a14b6a636245ad28d4cd3affd792f7ffaab4c021a99b3694e4287" end end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "228057a01ee8f67b8cb4122798d12e19b596c7cb1c5c7bc216ade96a0a632ef4" => :el_capitan sha256 "35071a03d946979792e7ac7792e2bf6e94073c242ccf58066fefd0d49c7d72d4" => :yosemite sha256 "70d7e47ff2ad168c6f26e61d86805b4e0d1c37015c1e3528d589195a66e9d185" => :mavericks end devel do url "" sha256 "551dccfa66b616a390e3c9fc8ac35869a076c979246728e9343f9eeb50d66551" version "2.0.0-beta" resource "jansson" do url "", :revision => "e44b2231b50aea5de78b7ea2debec0d5327cd711" end end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "openssl" def install if build.stable? (buildpath/"jansson").install resource("jansson") elsif build.devel? (buildpath/"src/third_party/jansson").install resource("jansson") end cmake_args = std_cmake_args cmake_args << "-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=#{Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix}" system "cmake", ".", *cmake_args system "make", "install" example = if build.stable? "docs/send_push.c" elsif build.head? || build.devel? "examples/send_push_message.c" end (doc/"examples").install example end test do spec = Tab.for_name("libcapn").source["spec"] example = if spec == "stable" "send_push.c" elsif spec == "head" || spec == "devel" "send_push_message.c" end cp "#{doc}/examples/#{example}", testpath flags = [ "-I#{Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix}/include", "-I#{include}/capn", "-L#{lib}/capn", "-lcapn", ENV.cflags.to_s.split, ].flatten system, "-o", "example", example, *flags if spec == "stable" assert_match /unable to use specified SSL certificate \(12\)/, shell_output("./example", 1) elsif spec == "head" || spec == "devel" assert_match /unable to use specified PKCS12 file \(errno: 9012\)/, shell_output("./example", 255) end end end