class Dnsmasq < Formula desc "Lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ae97a68c4e64f07633f31249eb03190d673bdb444a05796a3a2d3f521bfe9d38" revision 3 bottle do sha256 "1651004656f0f8d654167421188eca24f8828253bd8b5948ba657c834c6bcb87" => :sierra sha256 "9a2ef1302f2654af6c6598a1c1926e4733a800bf38d2af783b60daac352861bf" => :el_capitan sha256 "7562571ad0156478738bd1d48e4c70e6877930f5649045adb907f4b3b33f4e19" => :yosemite end option "with-libidn", "Compile with IDN support" option "with-dnssec", "Compile with DNSSEC support" deprecated_option "with-idn" => "with-libidn" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "libidn" => :optional depends_on "gettext" if build.with? "libidn" depends_on "nettle" if build.with? "dnssec" def install ENV.deparallelize # Re-evaluate whether this is needed for dnsmasq > 2.77 # Fix __memcpy_chk crash in strcpy(cache->name.sname, canon); # Reported 12 Jul 2017 to simon AT thekelleys DOT org DOT uk # See if MacOS.version >= :sierra inreplace "src/config.h", "#define SMALLDNAME 50 ", "#define SMALLDNAME 255 " end # Fix etc location inreplace %w[dnsmasq.conf.example src/config.h man/dnsmasq.8 man/es/dnsmasq.8 man/fr/dnsmasq.8].each do |s| s.gsub! "/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases", var/"lib/misc/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases", false s.gsub! "/etc/dnsmasq.conf", etc/"dnsmasq.conf", false s.gsub! "/var/run/", var/"run/dnsmasq/", false s.gsub! "/etc/dnsmasq.d", etc/"dnsmasq.d", false s.gsub! "/etc/ppp/resolv.conf", etc/"dnsmasq.d/ppp/resolv.conf", false s.gsub! "/etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf", etc/"dnsmasq.d/dhcpc/resolv.conf", false s.gsub! "/usr/sbin/dnsmasq", HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"sbin/dnsmasq", false end # Optional IDN support if build.with? "libidn" inreplace "src/config.h", "/* #define HAVE_IDN */", "#define HAVE_IDN" ENV.append_to_cflags "-I#{Formula["gettext"].opt_include}" ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{Formula["gettext"].opt_lib} -lintl" end # Optional DNSSEC support if build.with? "dnssec" inreplace "src/config.h", "/* #define HAVE_DNSSEC */", "#define HAVE_DNSSEC" inreplace "dnsmasq.conf.example" do |s| s.gsub! "#conf-file=%%PREFIX%%/share/dnsmasq/trust-anchors.conf", "conf-file=#{opt_pkgshare}/trust-anchors.conf" s.gsub! "#dnssec", "dnssec" end end # Fix compilation on Lion ENV.append_to_cflags "-D__APPLE_USE_RFC_3542" if MacOS.version >= :lion inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.change_make_var! "CFLAGS", ENV.cflags s.change_make_var! "LDFLAGS", ENV.ldflags end if build.with? "libidn" system "make", "install-i18n", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" else system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end pkgshare.install "trust-anchors.conf" if build.with? "dnssec" etc.install "dnsmasq.conf.example" => "dnsmasq.conf" end def post_install (var/"lib/misc/dnsmasq").mkpath (var/"run/dnsmasq").mkpath (etc/"dnsmasq.d/ppp").mkpath (etc/"dnsmasq.d/dhcpc").mkpath end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To configure dnsmasq, take the default example configuration at #{etc}/dnsmasq.conf and edit to taste. EOS end plist_options :startup => true def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_sbin}/dnsmasq --keep-in-foreground -C #{etc}/dnsmasq.conf RunAtLoad KeepAlive EOS end test do system "#{sbin}/dnsmasq", "--test" end end