class Libiomp < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "476dcf62d29134a3549d49542a74345bb5389f93670f2313d7c610a690f9048e" depends_on :arch => :intel depends_on "cmake" => :build bottle do cellar :any sha256 "b330ef085dbff40bdf5b3bf67beb8efd0573c67d5abe9c193f34f8cba1ba7e2c" => :yosemite sha256 "bc754820685040c0567edf3d7aeef1d5c1a25f532409b43673371854e16caca7" => :mavericks sha256 "231ec294a8d99a93a2336d06e2ebf5a1550f76f08ef168fa26c54dc15e0482bf" => :mountain_lion end fails_with :gcc do cause "libiomp can only be built with clang." end fails_with :gcc_4_0 do cause "libiomp can only be built with clang." end ("4.3".."4.9").each do |n| fails_with :gcc => n do cause "libiomp can only be built with clang." end end def install intel_arch = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "mac_32e" : "mac_32" args = std_cmake_args args << (MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "-Darch=32e" : "-Darch=32") args << "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" system "cmake", ".", *args system "make", "all", "common" (include/"libiomp").install Dir["exports/common/include/*"] lib.install "exports/#{intel_arch}/lib.thin/libiomp5.dylib" end test do testfile = <<-EOS.undent #include #include int main(void) { omp_set_num_threads(2); omp_get_num_threads(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } EOS (testpath/"test.c").write(testfile) system, "-L#{lib}", "-liomp5", "-I#{include}/libiomp", "test.c", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end