class Tor < Formula desc "Anonymizing overlay network for TCP" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "33325d2b250fd047ba2ddc5d11c2190c4e2951f4b03ec48ebd8bf0666e990d43" revision 1 bottle do sha256 "5e4acea22f72cf506c2dfe58a3d4b59110956d20e2191ac11144c4160fc8dda7" => :sierra sha256 "37a37b78b11b0a4af43b4bfad2c9185a8faedb78588ee003153907f6d1a7c4af" => :el_capitan sha256 "36f608dd09a3ddacfb5d42d26e1d98c6a4ee519013758702494a593bae8f656c" => :yosemite end devel do url "" mirror "" sha256 "736f135ab2b6473ccbeb454a845451555a99d72b4c6015e77c7689392bfec17c" end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "libevent" depends_on "openssl" depends_on "libscrypt" => :optional def install args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --prefix=#{prefix} --sysconfdir=#{etc} --localstatedir=#{var} --with-openssl-dir=#{Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix} ] args << "--disable-libscrypt" if build.without? "libscrypt" system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent You will find a sample `torrc` file in #{etc}/tor. It is advisable to edit the sample `torrc` to suit your own security needs: After editing the `torrc` you need to restart tor. EOS end plist_options :manual => "tor" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} RunAtLoad KeepAlive ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/tor WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} StandardErrorPath #{var}/log/tor.log StandardOutPath #{var}/log/tor.log EOS end test do pipe_output("script -q /dev/null #{bin}/tor-gencert --create-identity-key", "passwd\npasswd\n") assert (testpath/"authority_certificate").exist? assert (testpath/"authority_signing_key").exist? assert (testpath/"authority_identity_key").exist? end end