require 'formula' class LibrawDemosaicGPL2 < Formula url '' sha1 'ad7e7f090f925a17dc5167c57f051cd090ed17ae' end class LibrawDemosaicGPL3 < Formula url '' sha1 '7911e658119e98e3b56203f209fb27b18ec75fd9' end class Libraw < Formula url '' homepage '' sha1 '5f53787177add7322aa19b926dff34fa28265e16' depends_on 'little-cms' def install d = Pathname.getwd.dirname { d.install Dir['*'] } { d.install Dir['*'] } system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--enable-demosaic-pack-gpl2=#{d}", "--enable-demosaic-pack-gpl3=#{d}" system "make" system "make install" doc.install Dir['doc/*'] (prefix+'samples').mkpath (prefix+'samples').install Dir['samples/*'] end def test mktemp do netraw = "" localraw = "#{HOMEBREW_CACHE}/Formula/RAW_NIKON_D1.NEF" if File.exists? localraw system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/raw-identify -u #{localraw}" system "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/simple_dcraw -v -T #{localraw}" system "/usr/bin/qlmanage -p #{localraw}.tiff >& /dev/null &" else puts "" opoo <<-EOS.undent A good test that uses libraw.dylib to open and convert a RAW image to tiff was delayed until the RAW test image from the Internet is in your cache. To download that image and run the test, simply type brew fetch #{netraw} brew test libraw It's a fairly small image, 4 MB, that takes less time to download than read this. Please ignore the harmless message from brew fetch about No Available Formula. Brew fetch works correctly as does this well written software. EOS end end end end