class Hdf5AT18 < Formula desc "File format designed to store large amounts of data" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e5b1b1dee44a64b795a91c3321ab7196d9e0871fe50d42969761794e3899f40d" bottle do sha256 "100e63ca57e49713edef20a610add098d9da6cf75f2e12146eb17a2625a6b6a3" => :mojave sha256 "9df9c3319bf0734c9bed37057db565b11df30db01f380ce069d78bb54a9e01a2" => :high_sierra sha256 "5dfcc37589233e529bf0094bcc376743ca6dee2c40bd7dc87c8d4d5cb6d68a6e" => :sierra end keg_only :versioned_formula option "with-mpi", "Enable parallel support" option :cxx11 deprecated_option "enable-parallel" => "with-mpi" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "gcc" # for gfortran depends_on "open-mpi" if build.with? "mpi" depends_on "szip" def install ENV.cxx11 if build.cxx11? inreplace %w[c++/src/ fortran/src/ tools/misc/], "${libdir}/libhdf5.settings", "#{pkgshare}/libhdf5.settings" inreplace "src/", "settingsdir=$(libdir)", "settingsdir=#{pkgshare}" system "autoreconf", "-fiv" args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --prefix=#{prefix} --with-szlib=#{Formula["szip"].opt_prefix} --enable-build-mode=production --enable-fortran ] if build.without?("mpi") args << "--enable-cxx" else args << "--disable-cxx" end if build.with? "mpi" ENV["CC"] = "mpicc" ENV["CXX"] = "mpicxx" ENV["FC"] = "mpif90" args << "--enable-parallel" end system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include #include "hdf5.h" int main() { printf("%d.%d.%d\\n", H5_VERS_MAJOR, H5_VERS_MINOR, H5_VERS_RELEASE); return 0; } EOS system "#{bin}/h5cc", "test.c" assert_equal version.to_s, shell_output("./a.out").chomp (testpath/"test.f90").write <<~EOS use hdf5 integer(hid_t) :: f, dspace, dset integer(hsize_t), dimension(2) :: dims = [2, 2] integer :: error = 0, major, minor, rel call h5open_f (error) if (error /= 0) call abort call h5fcreate_f ("test.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, f, error) if (error /= 0) call abort call h5screate_simple_f (2, dims, dspace, error) if (error /= 0) call abort call h5dcreate_f (f, "data", H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, dspace, dset, error) if (error /= 0) call abort call h5dclose_f (dset, error) if (error /= 0) call abort call h5sclose_f (dspace, error) if (error /= 0) call abort call h5fclose_f (f, error) if (error /= 0) call abort call h5close_f (error) if (error /= 0) call abort CALL h5get_libversion_f (major, minor, rel, error) if (error /= 0) call abort write (*,"(I0,'.',I0,'.',I0)") major, minor, rel end EOS system "#{bin}/h5fc", "test.f90" assert_equal version.to_s, shell_output("./a.out").chomp end end