class TclTk < Formula desc "Tool Command Language" homepage "" url "" mirror "" version "8.6.8" sha256 "c43cb0c1518ce42b00e7c8f6eaddd5195c53a98f94adc717234a65cbcfd3f96a" bottle do sha256 "1690ca5d3ae90ab441493ba502594ae19739e10ab22385ccd5b59127b1e082d3" => :mojave sha256 "cd4dec2b564dcad86b151803c852142366bc48ec1b13d48a2e495c83fc32a688" => :high_sierra sha256 "96144fc3d7eaeec6125ff9f534f0aa21b61b673914dd8cb4898b10ca0530d90e" => :sierra sha256 "79222749d221013eb7d1fb529ace13293a819b43d6633b964d1f8f318ac66f33" => :el_capitan end keg_only :provided_by_macos, "tk installs some X11 headers and macOS provides an (older) Tcl/Tk" option "without-tcllib", "Don't build tcllib (utility modules)" option "without-tk", "Don't build the Tk (window toolkit)" resource "tcllib" do url "" sha256 "72667ecbbd41af740157ee346db77734d1245b41dffc13ac80ca678dd3ccb515" end resource "tk" do url "" mirror "" version "8.6.8" sha256 "49e7bca08dde95195a27f594f7c850b088be357a7c7096e44e1158c7a5fd7b33" # Upstream issue 7 Jan 2018 "Build failure with Aqua support on OS X 10.8 and 10.9" # See if MacOS.version == :mavericks || MacOS.version == :mountain_lion patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "2cdba6bbf2503307fe4f4d7200ad57c9926ebf0ff6ed3e65bf551067a30a04a9" end end end def install args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --mandir=#{man} --enable-threads --enable-64bit ] cd "unix" do system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" system "make", "install-private-headers" ln_s bin/"tclsh#{version.to_f}", bin/"tclsh" end if build.with? "tk" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin # so that tk finds our new tclsh resource("tk").stage do cd "unix" do system "./configure", *args, "--enable-aqua=yes", "--without-x", "--with-tcl=#{lib}" system "make" system "make", "install" system "make", "install-private-headers" ln_s bin/"wish#{version.to_f}", bin/"wish" end end end if build.with? "tcllib" resource("tcllib").stage do system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}" system "make", "install" end end end test do assert_equal "honk", pipe_output("#{bin}/tclsh", "puts honk\n").chomp end end