class Glib < Formula desc "Core application library for C" homepage "" url "" sha256 "50c01b1419324f10fbf9b9709ec2164b18586968bdce7540583bf32302cf47a3" bottle do sha256 "b2e868b829d820d8f713aa15f87fabe17137209267af7c9b80a6cdfd9478e20b" => :high_sierra sha256 "7e595082aacd2060267024407734dca23431ba90f619d57dea3c605673db70d4" => :sierra sha256 "f627657c66e12140468ab708210b6c134f8cd3c618dfb87b954d9a876b9d9ba4" => :el_capitan end option "with-test", "Build a debug build and run tests. NOTE: Not all tests succeed yet" deprecated_option "test" => "with-test" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build # next three lines can be removed when bug 780271 is fixed and gio.patch is modified accordingly depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "gettext" depends_on "libffi" depends_on "pcre" # Resolved as wontfix, # but needed to fix an assumption about the location of the d-bus machine # id file. patch do url "" sha256 "a4cb96b5861672ec0750cb30ecebe1d417d38052cac12fbb8a77dbf04a886fcb" end # Fixes compilation with FSF GCC. Doesn't fix it on every platform, due # to unrelated issues in GCC, but improves the situation. # Patch submitted upstream: patch do url "" sha256 "628f8ea171a29c67fb06461ce4cfe549846b8fe64d83466e18e225726615b997" end # Revert some bad macOS specific commits # patch do url "" sha256 "675369c6d956b5533865178a2a78a6b2dcb921fbcfd81d35e92fc1592323e5e4" end def install inreplace %w[gio/gdbusprivate.c gio/xdgmime/xdgmime.c glib/gutils.c], "@@HOMEBREW_PREFIX@@", HOMEBREW_PREFIX # renaming is necessary for patches to work mv "gio/gcocoanotificationbackend.c", "gio/gcocoanotificationbackend.m" mv "gio/gnextstepsettingsbackend.c", "gio/gnextstepsettingsbackend.m" rm "gio/gosxappinfo.h" # Disable dtrace; see args = %W[ --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --disable-dtrace --disable-libelf --enable-static --prefix=#{prefix} --localstatedir=#{var} --with-gio-module-dir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/gio/modules ] # next line can be removed when bug 780271 is fixed and gio.patch is modified accordingly system "autoreconf", "-i", "-f" system "./configure", *args # disable creating directory for GIO_MODULE_DIR, we will do this manually in post_install inreplace "gio/Makefile", "$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(GIO_MODULE_DIR)", "" system "make" # the spawn-multithreaded tests require more open files system "ulimit -n 1024; make check" if build.with? "test" system "make", "install" # `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0` includes -lintl, and gettext itself does not # have a pkgconfig file, so we add gettext lib and include paths here. gettext = Formula["gettext"].opt_prefix inreplace lib+"pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc" do |s| s.gsub! "Libs: -L${libdir} -lglib-2.0 -lintl", "Libs: -L${libdir} -lglib-2.0 -L#{gettext}/lib -lintl" s.gsub! "Cflags: -I${includedir}/glib-2.0 -I${libdir}/glib-2.0/include", "Cflags: -I${includedir}/glib-2.0 -I${libdir}/glib-2.0/include -I#{gettext}/include" end (share+"gtk-doc").rmtree end def post_install (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/gio/modules").mkpath end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include #include int main(void) { gchar *result_1, *result_2; char *str = "string"; result_1 = g_convert(str, strlen(str), "ASCII", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL); result_2 = g_convert(result_1, strlen(result_1), "UTF-8", "ASCII", NULL, NULL, NULL); return (strcmp(str, result_2) == 0) ? 0 : 1; } EOS system, "-o", "test", "test.c", "-I#{include}/glib-2.0", "-I#{lib}/glib-2.0/include", "-L#{lib}", "-lglib-2.0" system "./test" end end