class Dos2unix < Formula desc "Convert text between DOS, UNIX, and Mac formats" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "c7e8ee0bb3e001cc25a4a908d9a81ac52d124133d6a524a59f995bc90d438689" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "7168cf225befc0bb1bd4a435e3311444407ce1f37be4d42059d694e7cf9230ab" => :el_capitan sha256 "e278bc37bfc17d64b269fab313f8d9ed2a2af3361b8204c7ca2bd2d55404d15f" => :yosemite sha256 "61ef99b643f822bd8644124d4225ce46e39ee9912787737b1d1efe42170d11ab" => :mavericks end devel do url "" sha256 "abd12dff242b904eee1ce8141c0cf5664e6164248bf91f58f551ab7455d4d5e2" end option "with-gettext", "Build with Native Language Support" depends_on "gettext" => :optional def install args = %W[ prefix=#{prefix} CC=#{} CPP=#{} CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags} install ] if build.without? "gettext" args << "ENABLE_NLS=" else gettext = Formula["gettext"] args << "CFLAGS_OS=-I#{gettext.include}" args << "LDFLAGS_EXTRA=-L#{gettext.lib} -lintl" end system "make", *args end test do # write a file with lf path = testpath/"test.txt" path.write "foo\nbar\n" # unix2mac: convert lf to cr system "#{bin}/unix2mac", path assert_equal "foo\rbar\r", # mac2unix: convert cr to lf system "#{bin}/mac2unix", path assert_equal "foo\nbar\n", # unix2dos: convert lf to cr+lf system "#{bin}/unix2dos", path assert_equal "foo\r\nbar\r\n", # dos2unix: convert cr+lf to lf system "#{bin}/dos2unix", path assert_equal "foo\nbar\n", end end