class Gmsh < Formula desc "3D finite element grid generator with CAD engine" homepage "" url "" sha256 "9700bcc440d7a6b16a49cbfcdcdc31db33efe60e1f5113774316b6fa4186987b" revision 1 head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "57cdad859b421b6cc48f6cf164570f67a1101c03c9b276ec18dce3b5c250e995" => :high_sierra sha256 "85e7c6527a94fa3b02d14cce788dc32f6a0b545fa17124f5e4c19288890d8fc6" => :sierra sha256 "d9d6657a71acd75de3833f50d46b454c757f6186f1fe44fdf090ac1604c84f70" => :el_capitan end option "with-opencascade", "Build with opencascade support" depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "gcc" # for gfortran depends_on "open-mpi" depends_on "fltk" => :optional depends_on "cairo" if build.with? "fltk" depends_on "opencascade" => :optional def install args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DENABLE_OS_SPECIFIC_INSTALL=0 -DGMSH_BIN=#{bin} -DGMSH_LIB=#{lib} -DGMSH_DOC=#{pkgshare}/gmsh -DGMSH_MAN=#{man} -DENABLE_BUILD_LIB=ON -DENABLE_BUILD_SHARED=ON -DENABLE_NATIVE_FILE_CHOOSER=ON -DENABLE_PETSC=OFF -DENABLE_SLEPC=OFF ] if build.with? "opencascade" ENV["CASROOT"] = Formula["opencascade"].opt_prefix args << "-DENABLE_OCC=ON" else args << "-DENABLE_OCC=OFF" end args << "-DENABLE_FLTK=OFF" if build.without? "fltk" mkdir "build" do system "cmake", "..", *args system "make" system "make", "install" # Move into libexec instead of bin mkdir_p libexec mv bin/"", libexec end end def caveats "To use set your PYTHONDIR to #{libexec}" end test do system "#{bin}/gmsh", "#{share}/doc/gmsh/tutorial/t1.geo", "-parse_and_exit" end end