class Dcmtk < Formula desc "OFFIS DICOM toolkit command-line utilities" homepage "" url "" sha256 "1b5cf1dcb23cad401310c3afeb961c3613e3d20ab2d161dcc8bf0735b443218d" head "git://" bottle do sha256 "9b328afaa927a5001da453c3020ce895e2456c532289dd09b7a570a7517c54df" => :high_sierra sha256 "667469116e8e934360205c525fc3cf30290e64f44bc99ee85adf516dfcb39298" => :sierra sha256 "b245dc0c76c6075b9756a16ff50337b4fdfe33ded46c788f19925635c09344b2" => :el_capitan end option "with-docs", "Install development libraries/headers and HTML docs" option "with-libiconv", "Build with brewed libiconv. Dcmtk and system libiconv can have problems with utf8." option "with-dicomdict", "Build with baked-in DICOM data dictionary." depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "doxygen" => :build if build.with? "docs" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "libtiff" depends_on "openssl" => :recommended depends_on "libiconv" => :optional def install args = std_cmake_args args << "-DDCMTK_WITH_OPENSSL=NO" if build.without? "openssl" args << "-DDCMTK_WITH_DOXYGEN=YES" if build.with? "docs" args << "-DDCMTK_ENABLE_BUILTIN_DICTIONARY=YES -DDCMTK_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_DICTIONARY=NO" if build.with? "dicomdict" args << "-DDCMTK_WITH_ICONV=YES -DLIBICONV_DIR=#{Formula["libiconv"].opt_prefix}" if build.with? "libiconv" args << ".." mkdir "build" do system "cmake", *args system "make", "DOXYGEN" if build.with? "docs" system "make", "install" end end test do system bin/"pdf2dcm", "--verbose", test_fixtures("test.pdf"), testpath/"out.dcm" system bin/"dcmftest", testpath/"out.dcm" end end