class SubversionAT18 < Formula desc "Version control system" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "56e869b0db59519867f7077849c9c0962c599974f1412ea235eab7f98c20e6be" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any rebuild 1 sha256 "d471619f345885cff74ff22c7c1783ff31d2a979471f8b55dba9851fd7872fdc" => :catalina sha256 "f1ddeb0830e05709298f49b05131297e079a20cdf115a57d84e8c336b2c97aca" => :mojave sha256 "4f5837d367ff776070c2d0a1a20a17a14fb56ec5296a00969c5fd5914888da02" => :sierra end keg_only :versioned_formula depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "scons" => :build # For Serf depends_on "apr" depends_on "apr-util" depends_on "openssl@1.1" # For Serf depends_on "sqlite" # build against Homebrew version for consistency resource "serf" do url "" mirror "" sha256 "549c2d21c577a8a9c0450facb5cca809f26591f048e466552240947bdf7a87cc" end # Fix #23993 by stripping flags swig can't handle from SWIG_CPPFLAGS # Prevent "-arch ppc" from being pulled in from Perl's $Config{ccflags} # Prevent linking into a Python Framework patch do url "" sha256 "3d8bb24db773c713a1301986f71e018b7d0ff95425738964b575562841f8dc64" end def install inreplace "", "@APXS@ -i -S LIBEXECDIR=\"$(APACHE_LIBEXECDIR)\"", "@APXS@ -i -S LIBEXECDIR=\"#{libexec.to_s.sub("@", "\\@")}\"" serf_prefix = libexec/"serf" resource("serf").stage do # SConstruct merges in gssapi linkflags using scons's MergeFlags, # but that discards duplicate values - including the duplicate # values we want, like multiple -arch values for a universal build. # Passing 0 as the `unique` kwarg turns this behaviour off. inreplace "SConstruct", "unique=1", "unique=0" # scons ignores our compiler and flags unless explicitly passed args = %W[PREFIX=#{serf_prefix} GSSAPI=/usr CC=#{} CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags} LINKFLAGS=#{ENV.ldflags} OPENSSL=#{Formula["openssl@1.1"].opt_prefix}] if MacOS.version >= :sierra || !MacOS::CLT.installed? args << "APR=#{Formula["apr"].opt_prefix}" args << "APU=#{Formula["apr-util"].opt_prefix}" end system "scons", *args system "scons", "install" end if build.include? "unicode-path" raise <<~EOS The --unicode-path patch is not supported on Subversion 1.8. Upgrading from a 1.7 version built with this patch is not supported. You should stay on 1.7, install 1.7 from homebrew-versions, or brew rm subversion && brew install subversion to build a new version of 1.8 without this patch. EOS end # Use existing system zlib # Use dep-provided other libraries # Don't mess with Apache modules (since we're not sudo) args = ["--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-zlib=/usr", "--with-sqlite=#{Formula["sqlite"].opt_prefix}", "--with-serf=#{serf_prefix}", "--disable-mod-activation", "--disable-nls", "--without-apache-libexecdir", "--without-berkeley-db"] if MacOS::CLT.installed? && MacOS.version < :sierra args << "--with-apr=/usr" args << "--with-apr-util=/usr" else args << "--with-apr=#{Formula["apr"].opt_prefix}" args << "--with-apr-util=#{Formula["apr-util"].opt_prefix}" args << "--with-apxs=no" end inreplace "", "toolsdir = @bindir@/svn-tools", "toolsdir = @libexecdir@/svn-tools" system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" bash_completion.install "tools/client-side/bash_completion" => "subversion" system "make", "tools" system "make", "install-tools" end def caveats; <<~EOS svntools have been installed to: #{opt_libexec} EOS end test do system "#{bin}/svnadmin", "create", "test" system "#{bin}/svnadmin", "verify", "test" end end