class Qemu < Formula desc "x86 and PowerPC Emulator" homepage "" url "" sha256 "00bfb217b1bb03c7a6c3261b819cfccbfb5a58e3e2ceff546327d271773c6c14" revision 2 head "" bottle do sha256 "e020f9ec6fc78b4e42420f52e34f246c1f9ccf4d47902d96f0ca6b2a5f8638b5" => :sierra sha256 "0308dbec2b3773693722536230d440f44eac89ced5f189581407b566f3c99689" => :el_capitan sha256 "55d4089922584a4f303d2d00d6a44890d20471336e8c0e67218dbd63db14fbae" => :yosemite end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "jpeg" depends_on "gnutls" depends_on "glib" depends_on "ncurses" depends_on "pixman" depends_on "libpng" => :recommended depends_on "vde" => :optional depends_on "sdl2" => :optional depends_on "gtk+" => :optional depends_on "libssh2" => :optional deprecated_option "with-sdl" => "with-sdl2" fails_with :gcc_4_0 do cause "qemu requires a compiler with support for the __thread specifier" end fails_with :gcc do cause "qemu requires a compiler with support for the __thread specifier" end # 820KB floppy disk image file of FreeDOS 1.2, used to test QEMU resource "test-image" do url "" sha256 "81237c7b42dc0ffc8b32a2f5734e3480a3f9a470c50c14a9c4576a2561a35807" end def install ENV["LIBTOOL"] = "glibtool" # Fixes "dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _clock_gettime" if MacOS.version == "10.11" && MacOS::Xcode.installed? && MacOS::Xcode.version >= "8.0" inreplace %w[hw/i386/kvm/i8254.c include/qemu/timer.h linux-user/strace.c roms/skiboot/external/pflash/progress.c roms/u-boot/arch/sandbox/cpu/os.c ui/spice-display.c util/qemu-timer-common.c], "CLOCK_MONOTONIC", "NOT_A_SYMBOL" end args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --cc=#{} --host-cc=#{} --disable-bsd-user --disable-guest-agent --enable-curses --extra-cflags=-DNCURSES_WIDECHAR=1 ] # Cocoa and SDL2/GTK+ UIs cannot both be enabled at once. if build.with?("sdl2") || build.with?("gtk+") args << "--disable-cocoa" else args << "--enable-cocoa" end args << (build.with?("vde") ? "--enable-vde" : "--disable-vde") args << (build.with?("sdl2") ? "--enable-sdl" : "--disable-sdl") args << (build.with?("gtk+") ? "--enable-gtk" : "--disable-gtk") args << (build.with?("libssh2") ? "--enable-libssh2" : "--disable-libssh2") system "./configure", *args system "make", "V=1", "install" end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-system-i386 --version") resource("test-image").stage testpath assert_match "file format: raw", shell_output("#{bin}/qemu-img info FLOPPY.img") end end