require 'formula' class Groovy < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '82a062ab833bfd4bf57a44d9ea4b782009436a16' option 'invokedynamic', "Install the InvokeDynamic version of Groovy (only works with Java 1.7+)" devel do url '' sha1 'a797630fd6a8e9818fb9ae0de2a4085b1d1ec795' version '2.4.0-beta-3' end def install # Don't need Windows files. rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] if build.include? 'invokedynamic' Dir.glob("indy/*.jar") do |src_path| dst_file = File.basename(src_path, '-indy.jar') + '.jar' dst_path = File.join('lib', dst_file) mv src_path, dst_path end end prefix.install_metafiles libexec.install %w(bin conf lib embeddable) bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] end def caveats <<-EOS.undent You should set GROOVY_HOME: export GROOVY_HOME=#{opt_libexec} EOS end end