require 'formula' class Pgplot < Formula homepage '' url '' version '5.2.2' sha1 '1f1c9aa17eeec9a2fb23fd15a0e4a91dcc49ddc1' bottle do sha1 "01f6c78460a693cdf4f12fe3d07160924ea728d2" => :yosemite sha1 "d453d38628035bef7c793c433a92a6f22c6ce77f" => :mavericks sha1 "cefc1cac43d17dc86f6424a75bfec3a5dd63b3d9" => :mountain_lion end revision 1 option 'with-button', 'Install libbutton' depends_on :x11 depends_on :fortran resource 'button' do url '' sha1 'd1bfcb51a9ce5819e00d5d1a1d8c658691193f11' version '1.0' end # from MacPorts: patch :p0 do url "" sha1 "cb91d933f2350d1a4a33039b61b525db17407ff1" end patch :p0 do url "" sha1 "8a20d20720ee3ca314331300bb9a87781d69d1d7" end def install ENV.deparallelize ENV.append 'CPPFLAGS', "-DPG_PPU" # allow long lines in the fortran code (for long homebrew PATHs) ENV.append 'FCFLAGS', "-ffixed-line-length-none" # re-hardcode the share dir inreplace 'src/grgfil.f', '/usr/local/pgplot', share # perl may not be in /usr/local inreplace 'makehtml', '/usr/local/bin/perl', which('perl') # prevent a "dereferencing pointer to incomplete type" in libpng inreplace 'drivers/pndriv.c', 'setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)', 'setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))' # configure options (buildpath/'sys_darwin/homebrew.conf').write <<-EOS.undent XINCL="#{ENV.cppflags}" MOTIF_INCL="" ATHENA_INCL="" TK_INCL="" RV_INCL="" FCOMPL="#{ENV.fc}" FFLAGC="#{ENV.fcflags}" FFLAGD="" CCOMPL="#{}" CFLAGC="#{ENV.cppflags}" CFLAGD="" PGBIND_FLAGS="bsd" LIBS="#{ENV.ldflags} -lX11" MOTIF_LIBS="" ATHENA_LIBS="" TK_LIBS="" RANLIB="#{which 'ranlib'}" SHARED_LIB="libpgplot.dylib" SHARED_LD="#{ENV.fc} -dynamiclib -single_module $LDFLAGS -lX11 -install_name libpgplot.dylib" SHARED_LIB_LIBS="#{ENV.ldflags} -lpng -lX11" MCOMPL="" MFLAGC="" SYSDIR="$SYSDIR" CSHARED_LIB="libcpgplot.dylib" CSHARED_LD="#{ENV.fc} -dynamiclib -single_module $LDFLAGS -lX11" EOS mkdir 'build' do # activate drivers cp '../drivers.list', '.' ['GIF', 'VGIF', 'LATEX', 'PNG' ,'TPNG', 'PS', 'VPS', 'CPS', 'VCPS', 'XWINDOW', 'XSERVE'].each do |drv| inreplace 'drivers.list', /^! (.*\/#{drv} .*)/, ' \1' end # make everything system '../makemake .. darwin; make; make cpg; make pgplot.html' # install bin.install 'pgxwin_server', 'pgbind' lib.install Dir['*.dylib', '*.a'] include.install Dir['*.h'] share.install Dir['*.txt', '*.dat'] doc.install Dir['*.doc', '*.html'] (prefix/'examples').install Dir['*demo*', '../examples/pgdemo*.f', '../cpg/cpgdemo*.c', '../drivers/*/pg*demo.*'] end resource('button').stage do inreplace 'Makefile', 'f77', "#{ENV.fc} #{ENV.fcflags}" system "make" lib.install 'libbutton.a' end if build.with? 'button' end end