class Rmlint < Formula desc "Extremely fast tool to remove dupes and other lint from your filesystem" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f6810bdca1eb09fabf51dc8d9c4ba9cad70b1072b9965c0343a1747bedfc9415" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "b0142574b59006f3d3ae016b6363d7b87b4917ca4cdc202f4e5443ce7cf7cb53" => :sierra sha256 "8647c0f86fcc225041895f24d97b582e9fe5c2591c0c79c29aad80c4ba8cf0c9" => :el_capitan sha256 "24486e319f4f82bbf7acb6ea63a6d699dbcfba094192fa5fc035959f5d243a50" => :yosemite end option "with-json-glib", "Add support for reading json caches" option "with-libelf", "Add support for finding non-stripped binaries" depends_on "glib" => :run depends_on "gettext" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "scons" => :build depends_on "sphinx-doc" => :build depends_on "json-glib" => :optional depends_on "libelf" => :optional # Remove for > 2.6.0 # Fix "fatal error: 'sys/sysmacros.h' file not found" # Upstream commit from 4 Jun 2017 "Use #if not #ifdef with HAVE_SYSMACROS_H" patch do url "" sha256 "b85b042c4b7e51869fb8695fd1ceb4363434a19598249084b393e87b269ee19e" end def install scons "config" scons bin.install "rmlint" man1.install "docs/rmlint.1.gz" end test do (testpath/"1.txt").write("1") (testpath/"2.txt").write("1") assert_match "# Duplicate(s):", shell_output("#{bin}/rmlint") end end