require 'formula' class Gtkx3 < Formula homepage '' url '' sha256 'ba70f5ccde6646c6d8aa5a6398794b7bcf23fc45af22580a215d258f392dbbe2' bottle do revision 1 sha1 "b49906d801960f2e5171f8999d7f3754d70a1bf3" => :yosemite sha1 "9e7565ecff66692fdc46920967a8528f60360ab9" => :mavericks sha1 "9b5a82a7a7e9a78fd6d81f3624ece8e7bc268b7a" => :mountain_lion end option :universal depends_on :x11 => ['2.5', :recommended] # needs XInput2, introduced in libXi 1.3 depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'glib' depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'libtiff' depends_on 'gdk-pixbuf' depends_on 'pango' depends_on 'cairo' depends_on 'jasper' => :optional depends_on 'atk' depends_on 'at-spi2-atk' if build.with? "x11" depends_on 'gobject-introspection' depends_on 'gsettings-desktop-schemas' => :recommended # Fixes runtime error in 3.14.5; can probably be removed in later versions # see patch do url '' sha1 'f7f475905245324caa5e7eb037b0de021bf2d9ff' end def install ENV.universal_binary if build.universal? args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --disable-glibtest --enable-introspection=yes --disable-schemas-compile ] if build.without? "x11" args << "--enable-quartz-backend" << "--enable-quartz-relocation" else args << "--enable-x11-backend" end system "./configure", *args system "make install" # Prevent a conflict between this and Gtk+2 mv bin/'gtk-update-icon-cache', bin/'gtk3-update-icon-cache' end def post_install system "#{Formula["glib"].opt_bin}/glib-compile-schemas", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/glib-2.0/schemas" end end