require 'formula' class TransitionalMode < Requirement fatal true satisfy do Tab.for_name('camlp5').unused_options.include? 'strict' end def message; <<-EOS.undent camlp5 must be compiled in transitional mode (instead of --strict mode): brew install camlp5 EOS end end class Coq < Formula homepage '' url '' version '8.4pl2' sha1 'adcef430b8e27663e8ea075e646112f7d4d51fa6' head 'svn://' depends_on TransitionalMode depends_on 'objective-caml' depends_on 'camlp5' def install camlp5_lib = Formula.factory('camlp5').lib+'ocaml/camlp5' system "./configure", "-prefix", prefix, "-mandir", man, "-camlp5dir", camlp5_lib, "-emacslib", "#{lib}/emacs/site-lisp", "-coqdocdir", "#{share}/coq/latex", "-coqide", "no", "-with-doc", "no" ENV.j1 # Otherwise "mkdir bin" can be attempted by more than one job system "make world" system "make install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Coq's Emacs mode is installed into #{lib}/emacs/site-lisp To use the Coq Emacs mode, you need to put the following lines in your .emacs file: (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.v$" . coq-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'coq-mode "coq" "Major mode for editing Coq vernacular." t) EOS end end