class CodesignRequirement < Requirement include FileUtils fatal true satisfy(:build_env => false) do mktemp do cp "/usr/bin/false", "llvm_check" quiet_system "/usr/bin/codesign", "-f", "-s", "lldb_codesign", "--dryrun", "llvm_check" end end def message <<-EOS.undent lldb_codesign identity must be available to build with LLDB. See: EOS end end class Llvm < Formula desc "Next-gen compiler infrastructure" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "6e82ce4adb54ff3afc18053d6981b6aed1406751b8742582ed50f04b5ab475f9" resource "clang" do url "" sha256 "4cd3836dfb4b88b597e075341cae86d61c63ce3963e45c7fe6a8bf59bb382cdf" end resource "clang-extra-tools" do url "" sha256 "664a5c60220de9c290bf2a5b03d902ab731a4f95fe73a00856175ead494ec396" end resource "compiler-rt" do url "" sha256 "0df011dae14d8700499dfc961602ee0a9572fef926202ade5dcdfe7858411e5c" end # Only required to build & run Compiler-RT tests on OS X, optional otherwise. # resource "libcxx" do url "" sha256 "77d7f3784c88096d785bd705fa1bab7031ce184cd91ba8a7008abf55264eeecc" end resource "libunwind" do url "" sha256 "21e58ce09a5982255ecf86b86359179ddb0be4f8f284a95be14201df90e48453" end resource "lld" do url "" sha256 "2bd9be8bb18d82f7f59e31ea33b4e58387dbdef0bc11d5c9fcd5ce9a4b16dc00" end resource "lldb" do url "" sha256 "349148116a47e39dcb5d5042f10d8a6357d2c865034563283ca512f81cdce8a3" end resource "openmp" do url "" sha256 "68fcde6ef34e0275884a2de3450a31e931caf1d6fda8606ef14f89c4123617dc" end resource "polly" do url "" sha256 "453c27e1581614bb3b6351bf5a2da2939563ea9d1de99c420f85ca8d87b928a2" end end bottle do sha256 "ce2d461a9aff5e4b91bdb76f855be312e0b2f3e8a92950ff8628a465ea9f71cb" => :sierra sha256 "3198e307a4360b428c953cc00408e5b80bd07b4946b96db8bbbfb03f81cb4aa2" => :el_capitan sha256 "1957948bbbbee09eac331b2b0bad399b04f94d8c79271ea0aee4ac99ab7e6100" => :yosemite sha256 "dba4556fbb273ef07dcc135a32eabb4b2eafb874ceecb9732b2ccaeded965a80" => :mavericks end head do url "" resource "clang" do url "" end resource "clang-extra-tools" do url "" end resource "compiler-rt" do url "" end resource "libcxx" do url "" end resource "libunwind" do url "" end resource "lld" do url "" end resource "lldb" do url "" end resource "openmp" do url "" end resource "polly" do url "" end end keg_only :provided_by_osx option :universal option "without-compiler-rt", "Do not build Clang runtime support libraries for code sanitizers, builtins, and profiling" option "without-libcxx", "Do not build libc++ standard library" option "with-toolchain", "Build with Toolchain to facilitate overriding system compiler" option "without-libunwind", "Do not build libunwind library" option "without-lld", "Do not build LLD linker" option "with-lldb", "Build LLDB debugger" option "with-python", "Build bindings against custom Python" option "without-rtti", "Build without C++ RTTI or exception handling" option "without-utils", "Do not install utility binaries" option "without-polly", "Do not build Polly optimizer" option "with-test", "Build LLVM unit tests" option "with-shared-libs", "Build shared instead of static libraries" option "without-libffi", "Do not use libffi to call external functions" option "with-all-targets", "Build all targets. Default targets: AMDGPU, ARM, NVPTX, and X86" depends_on "libffi" => :recommended # depends_on "graphviz" => :optional # for the 'dot' tool (lldb) depends_on "ocaml" => :optional if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard depends_on :python else depends_on :python => :optional end depends_on "cmake" => :build if build.with? "lldb" depends_on "swig" if MacOS.version >= :lion depends_on CodesignRequirement end # Apple's libstdc++ is too old to build LLVM fails_with :llvm # According to the official llvm readme, GCC 4.7+ is required fails_with :gcc_4_0 fails_with :gcc ("4.3".."4.6").each do |n| fails_with :gcc => n end def build_libcxx? build.with?("libcxx") || !MacOS::CLT.installed? end def install # Apple's libstdc++ is too old to build LLVM ENV.libcxx if ENV.compiler == :clang (buildpath/"tools/clang").install resource("clang") (buildpath/"tools/clang/tools/extra").install resource("clang-extra-tools") (buildpath/"projects/openmp").install resource("openmp") (buildpath/"projects/libcxx").install resource("libcxx") if build_libcxx? (buildpath/"projects/libunwind").install resource("libunwind") if build.with? "libunwind" (buildpath/"tools/lld").install resource("lld") if build.with? "lld" (buildpath/"tools/polly").install resource("polly") if build.with? "polly" if build.with? "lldb" if build.with? "python" pyhome = `python-config --prefix`.chomp ENV["PYTHONHOME"] = pyhome pylib = "#{pyhome}/lib/libpython2.7.dylib" pyinclude = "#{pyhome}/include/python2.7" end (buildpath/"tools/lldb").install resource("lldb") # Building lldb requires a code signing certificate. # The instructions provided by llvm creates this certificate in the # user's login keychain. Unfortunately, the login keychain is not in # the search path in a superenv build. The following three lines add # the login keychain to ~/Library/Preferences/, # which adds it to the superenv keychain search path. mkdir_p "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Preferences" username = ENV["USER"] system "security", "list-keychains", "-d", "user", "-s", "/Users/#{username}/Library/Keychains/login.keychain" end if build.with? "compiler-rt" (buildpath/"projects/compiler-rt").install resource("compiler-rt") # compiler-rt has some iOS simulator features that require i386 symbols # I'm assuming the rest of clang needs support too for 32-bit compilation # to work correctly, but if not, perhaps universal binaries could be # limited to compiler-rt. llvm makes this somewhat easier because compiler-rt # can almost be treated as an entirely different build from llvm. ENV.permit_arch_flags end args = %w[ -DLLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN=ON ] args << "-DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=#{build.with?("all-targets") ? "all" : "AMDGPU;ARM;NVPTX;X86"}" args << "-DLIBOMP_ARCH=x86_64" args << "-DLLVM_BUILD_EXTERNAL_COMPILER_RT=ON" if build.with? "compiler-rt" args << "-DLLVM_CREATE_XCODE_TOOLCHAIN=ON" if build.with? "toolchain" if build.with? "shared-libs" args << "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON" args << "-DLIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED=ON" else args << "-DLLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB=ON" end if build.with? "test" args << "-DLLVM_BUILD_TESTS=ON" args << "-DLLVM_ABI_BREAKING_CHECKS=WITH_ASSERTS" end if build.with? "rtti" args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON" args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_EH=ON" end args << "-DLLVM_INSTALL_UTILS=ON" if build.with? "utils" args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_LIBCXX=ON" if build_libcxx? if build.with?("lldb") && build.with?("python") args << "-DLLDB_RELOCATABLE_PYTHON=ON" args << "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=#{pylib}" args << "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=#{pyinclude}" end if build.with? "libffi" args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_FFI=ON" args << "-DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["libffi"].opt_lib}/libffi-#{Formula["libffi"].version}/include" args << "-DFFI_LIBRARY_DIR=#{Formula["libffi"].opt_lib}" end if build.universal? ENV.permit_arch_flags args << "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=#{Hardware::CPU.universal_archs.as_cmake_arch_flags}" end if build.with? "polly" args << "-DWITH_POLLY=ON" args << "-DLINK_POLLY_INTO_TOOLS=ON" end mktemp do system "cmake", "-G", "Unix Makefiles", buildpath, *(std_cmake_args + args) system "make" system "make", "install" system "make", "install-xcode-toolchain" if build.with? "toolchain" end (share/"clang/tools").install Dir["tools/clang/tools/scan-{build,view}"] inreplace "#{share}/clang/tools/scan-build/bin/scan-build", "$RealBin/bin/clang", "#{bin}/clang" bin.install_symlink share/"clang/tools/scan-build/bin/scan-build", share/"clang/tools/scan-view/bin/scan-view" man1.install_symlink share/"clang/tools/scan-build/man/scan-build.1" # install llvm python bindings (lib/"python2.7/site-packages").install buildpath/"bindings/python/llvm" (lib/"python2.7/site-packages").install buildpath/"tools/clang/bindings/python/clang" end def caveats s = <<-EOS.undent LLVM executables are installed in #{opt_bin}. Extra tools are installed in #{opt_pkgshare}. EOS if build_libcxx? s += <<-EOS.undent To use the bundled libc++ please add the following LDFLAGS: LDFLAGS="-L#{opt_lib} -Wl,-rpath,#{opt_lib}" EOS end s end test do assert_equal prefix.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/llvm-config --prefix").chomp (testpath/"omptest.c").write <<-EOS.undent #include #include #include int main() { #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) { printf("Hello from thread %d, nthreads %d\\n", omp_get_thread_num(), omp_get_num_threads()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } EOS system "#{bin}/clang", "-L#{lib}", "-fopenmp", "-nobuiltininc", "-I#{lib}/clang/#{version}/include", "omptest.c", "-o", "omptest" testresult = shell_output("./omptest") sorted_testresult = testresult.split("\n").sort.join("\n") expected_result = <<-EOS.undent Hello from thread 0, nthreads 4 Hello from thread 1, nthreads 4 Hello from thread 2, nthreads 4 Hello from thread 3, nthreads 4 EOS assert_equal expected_result.strip, sorted_testresult.strip (testpath/"test.c").write <<-EOS.undent #include int main() { printf("Hello World!\\n"); return 0; } EOS (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<-EOS.undent #include int main() { std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl; return 0; } EOS # Testing Command Line Tools if MacOS::CLT.installed? libclangclt = Dir["/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/clang/#{DevelopmentTools.clang_version}*"].last { |f| f } system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-nostdinc", "-I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/include/c++/v1", "-I#{libclangclt}/include", "-I/usr/include", # need it because /Library/.../usr/include/c++/v1/iosfwd refers to , which CLT installs to /usr/include "test.cpp", "-o", "testCLT++" assert_match "/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib", shell_output("otool -L ./testCLT++").chomp assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testCLT++").chomp system "#{bin}/clang", "-v", "-nostdinc", "-I/usr/include", # this is where CLT installs stdio.h "test.c", "-o", "testCLT" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testCLT").chomp end # Testing Xcode if MacOS::Xcode.installed? libclangxc = Dir["#{MacOS::Xcode.toolchain_path}/usr/lib/clang/#{DevelopmentTools.clang_version}*"].last { |f| f } system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-nostdinc", "-I#{MacOS::Xcode.toolchain_path}/usr/include/c++/v1", "-I#{libclangxc}/include", "-I#{MacOS.sdk_path}/usr/include", "test.cpp", "-o", "testXC++" assert_match "/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib", shell_output("otool -L ./testXC++").chomp assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testXC++").chomp system "#{bin}/clang", "-v", "-nostdinc", "-I#{MacOS.sdk_path}/usr/include", "test.c", "-o", "testXC" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testXC").chomp end # link against installed libc++ # related to if build_libcxx? system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-nostdinc", "-std=c++11", "-stdlib=libc++", "-I#{MacOS::Xcode.toolchain_path}/usr/include/c++/v1", "-I#{libclangxc}/include", "-I#{MacOS.sdk_path}/usr/include", "-L#{lib}", "-Wl,-rpath,#{lib}", "test.cpp", "-o", "test" assert_match "#{opt_lib}/libc++.1.dylib", shell_output("otool -L ./test").chomp assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./test").chomp end end end