require 'formula' class Graphviz < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'a41e9f1cbcc9a24651e14dd15a4cda3d912d7d19' revision 1 bottle do sha1 "593be8aa485bde737036b6b66a274d7d52eb25b6" => :mavericks sha1 "19572fd522a6de5ac612680a54b0cf46c19e596b" => :mountain_lion sha1 "64f30bd5593af138ab5fb145ffa5048758e4622d" => :lion end # To find Ruby and Co. env :std option :universal option 'with-bindings', 'Build Perl/Python/Ruby/etc. bindings' option 'with-pangocairo', 'Build with Pango/Cairo for alternate PDF output' option 'with-x', 'Build with X11 support' option 'with-app', 'Build (requires full XCode install)' option 'with-gts', 'Build with GNU GTS support (required by prism)' depends_on "libpng" depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'pango' if build.with? "pangocairo" depends_on 'swig' if build.with? "bindings" depends_on 'gts' => :optional depends_on "librsvg" => :optional depends_on "freetype" => :optional depends_on :x11 if build.with? "x" depends_on :xcode if build.with? "app" fails_with :clang do build 318 end patch :p0 do url "" sha1 "b242fb8fa81489dd16830e5df6bbf5448a3874d5" end def install ENV.universal_binary if build.universal? args = ["--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--without-qt", "--with-quartz"] args << "--with-gts" if build.with? 'gts' args << "--disable-swig" if build.without? "bindings" args << "--without-pangocairo" if build.without? "pangocairo" args << "--without-freetype2" if build.without? "freetype" args << "--without-x" if build.without? "x" args << "--without-rsvg" if build.without? "librsvg" system "./configure", *args system "make install" if build.with? "app" cd "macosx" do xcodebuild "-configuration", "Release", "SYMROOT=build", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES" end prefix.install "macosx/build/Release/" end (bin+'').unlink end test do (testpath/'').write <<-EOS.undent digraph G { a -> b } EOS system "#{bin}/dot", "-Tpdf", "-o", "sample.pdf", "" end end