class BoostAT159 < Formula desc "Collection of portable C++ source libraries" homepage "" url "" sha256 "727a932322d94287b62abb1bd2d41723eec4356a7728909e38adb65ca25241ca" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "6566d6a5c983add1b25e56b95ef540ce32b6fff5625aebbda81efbaf1618c9aa" => :high_sierra sha256 "8d21c9071cb5229469bef25efd3c598dc8d821c57581f4aa08fdfd265a88a9d9" => :sierra sha256 "1e061c511462de8c8ab16004d34691b70c2ef65ea0e4ca85f099b8960cd99421" => :el_capitan sha256 "62161b5048eb58ab7df1a3f7adccd51e4ae5f10a82a01af2afd26186231f6936" => :yosemite end keg_only :versioned_formula option "with-icu4c", "Build regexp engine with icu support" option "without-single", "Disable building single-threading variant" option "without-static", "Disable building static library variant" option "with-mpi", "Build with MPI support" option :cxx11 if build.cxx11? depends_on "icu4c" => [:optional, "c++11"] depends_on "open-mpi" => "c++11" if build.with? "mpi" else depends_on "icu4c" => :optional depends_on :mpi => [:cc, :cxx, :optional] end # Fixed compilation of operator<< into a record ostream, when # the operator right hand argument is not directly supported by # formatting_ostream. Fixed # from patch do url "" sha256 "a49fd7461d9f3b478d2bddac19adca93fe0fabab71ee67e8f140cbd7d42d6870" end # Fixed missing symbols in libboost_log_setup (on mac/clang) # from patch do url "" sha256 "2c3a3bae1691df5f8fce8fbd4e5727d57bd4dd813748b70d7471c855c4f19d1c" end needs :cxx11 if build.cxx11? def install # if build.with?("mpi") && build.with?("single") raise <<~EOS Building MPI support for both single and multi-threaded flavors is not supported. Please use "--with-mpi" together with "--without-single". EOS end # Force boost to compile with the desired compiler open("user-config.jam", "a") do |file| file.write "using darwin : : #{ENV.cxx} ;\n" file.write "using mpi ;\n" if build.with? "mpi" end # libdir should be set by --prefix but isn't bootstrap_args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{lib}"] if build.with? "icu4c" icu4c_prefix = Formula["icu4c"].opt_prefix bootstrap_args << "--with-icu=#{icu4c_prefix}" else bootstrap_args << "--without-icu" end # Handle libraries that will not be built. without_libraries = ["python"] # Boost.Log cannot be built using Apple GCC at the moment. Disabled # on such systems. without_libraries << "log" if ENV.compiler == :gcc without_libraries << "mpi" if build.without? "mpi" bootstrap_args << "--without-libraries=#{without_libraries.join(",")}" # layout should be synchronized with boost-python args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--libdir=#{lib}", "-d2", "-j#{ENV.make_jobs}", "--layout=tagged", "--user-config=user-config.jam", "install"] if build.with? "single" args << "threading=multi,single" else args << "threading=multi" end if build.with? "static" args << "link=shared,static" else args << "link=shared" end # Trunk starts using "clang++ -x c" to select C compiler which breaks C++11 # handling using ENV.cxx11. Using "cxxflags" and "linkflags" still works. if build.cxx11? args << "cxxflags=-std=c++11" if ENV.compiler == :clang args << "cxxflags=-stdlib=libc++" << "linkflags=-stdlib=libc++" end end system "./", *bootstrap_args system "./b2", "headers" system "./b2", *args end def caveats s = "" # ENV.compiler doesn't exist in caveats. Check library availability # instead. if Dir["#{lib}/libboost_log*"].empty? s += <<~EOS Building of Boost.Log is disabled because it requires newer GCC or Clang. EOS end s end test do (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~EOS #include #include #include #include using namespace boost::algorithm; using namespace std; int main() { string str("a,b"); vector strVec; split(strVec, str, is_any_of(",")); assert(strVec.size()==2); assert(strVec[0]=="a"); assert(strVec[1]=="b"); return 0; } EOS system ENV.cxx, "test.cpp", "-std=c++1y", "-I#{include}", "-L#{lib}", "-lboost_system", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end