class Pyqt < Formula desc "Python bindings for v5 of Qt" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ebd70515b30bbd6098fee29e6271a6696b1183c5530ee30e6ba9aaab195536e8" bottle do sha256 "3c1e8cf2d69755b9d08b457286eec0bff8b6c582e5a7aec17514f825d3fc74a0" => :sierra sha256 "c3acbb53d3db68352b4623f16b58c5872196b96e90ed508a05d61a271cb5e9bf" => :el_capitan sha256 "594fb8ce4676053ae025a3217cbb068d4672372b494c3fa0c3d91d9116420932" => :yosemite end option "with-debug", "Build with debug symbols" option "with-docs", "Install HTML documentation and python examples" deprecated_option "enable-debug" => "with-debug" depends_on :python3 => :recommended depends_on :python => :optional depends_on "qt" if build.with? "python3" depends_on "sip" => "with-python3" else depends_on "sip" end def install if build.without?("python3") && build.without?("python") odie "pyqt: --with-python3 must be specified when using --without-python" end Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, version| args = ["--confirm-license", "--bindir=#{bin}", "--destdir=#{lib}/python#{version}/site-packages", "--stubsdir=#{lib}/python#{version}/site-packages/PyQt5", "--sipdir=#{share}/sip/Qt5", # sip.h could not be found automatically "--sip-incdir=#{Formula["sip"].opt_include}", "--qmake=#{Formula["qt"].bin}/qmake", # Force deployment target to avoid libc++ issues "QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=#{MacOS.version}", "--qml-plugindir=#{pkgshare}/plugins", "--verbose"] args << "--debug" if build.with? "debug" system python, "", *args system "make" system "make", "install" system "make", "clean" end doc.install "doc/html", "examples" if build.with? "docs" end test do system "#{bin}/pyuic5", "--version" system "#{bin}/pylupdate5", "-version" Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, _version| system python, "-c", "import PyQt5" %w[ Gui Location Multimedia Network Quick Svg WebEngineWidgets Widgets Xml ].each { |mod| system python, "-c", "import PyQt5.Qt#{mod}" } end end end